Wednesday, May 13

Berlin, Germany

Info Session: US Taxes While Living Abroad

Worried or confused about what you need to do about your U.S. taxes? Wondering how the 2020 CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Safety) applies to you?

While individual tax support isn’t part of Democrats Abroad’s mission, it’s a common concern for our members that we want to help address. All U.S. citizens and permanent residents are subject to file US taxes for their worldwide income, even if they never lived in the USA and even if they hold dual citizenship. July 15th, 2020 is the deadline for all filers for the tax year 2019, and everyone must file!

Come to an online tax information session for Democrats Abroad supporters on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, to learn more about what you need to do as an American citizen or permanent resident living abroad. Monique Luegger, EA from Americans’ Income Tax Service will be presenting and fielding your questions.

(You must RSVP in advance, not just on Facebook. See details below)

Topics will include

  • legal tax requirements
  • German-American tax treaties (income, gift & estate, Totalization/Social Security)
  • 2020 CARES Act
  • Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Form 2555 / Foreign Tax Credit Form 1116
  • Overseas self-employment and US Social Security Tax

How to get into the U.S. Tax Info Session

To attend Democrats Abroad’s U.S. Tax Info Session, you’ll need to

1) Register on this page
2) Make 20 phone calls in our outreach campaign
OR donate 10€ to Democrats Abroad Germany

Submitting Questions - CLOSED

The deadline for submitting questions was Friday, May 8th, 2020. Pending time, it may be possible to ask questions at the end of the info session.

How to Make Phone Calls

Detailed instructions available here:

It just takes a few steps to start calling:

  1. Log in at
  2. Join the phone banking team volunteer team:
  3. You’ll get an email from [email protected] to activate your CallHub account and set a password
  4. Review the training materials:
  5. Get calling!

Calling works!

Our current phone outreach campaign targets members we can’t email, or who we haven’t heard from in a few years. Phone banking is very effective: 47% of members contacted by phone bankers voted in the Global Presidential Primary, while turnout was just 24% for members who didn’t get a call or message.

How to Donate to Democrats Abroad Germany

If you choose not to phone bank, you can still support out voter outreach with a monetary donation. U.S. citizens and permanent residents can make a donation of 10€.

Please note, as an official part of the Democratic party, the U.S. Federal Election Commission prohibits us from accepting any funds from foreign nationals. This also means that the bank account where the donation is being transferred from has to include the name of a U.S. citizen.

Acct Name: Democrats Abroad Germany
IBAN: DE04 5405 0220 0140 2702 99
Note (Verwendungszweck): Berlin Tax Event

Become a sustaining donor!

Pledge 5€ per month or more towards for a year to become a sustaining donor. That's just 60€ over the course of the year. This donation will help us...

- Print flyers and materials
- Advertise to U.S. citizens online and offline
- Fund postcard writing campaigns to the United States
- Set aside money for larger 2020 election expenses
- Provide travel for students and low-income members to attend Democrats Abroad Germany annual meetings and retreats
- Grow our precincts in Dresden, Potsdam, and Leipzig-Halle


Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 07:00 PM Berlin Time


Online (RSVP required)
Google map and directions


Democrats Abroad Berlin
[email protected]

Will you come?

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

61 RSVPs