April 26, 2023

Share Your American Abroad Tax Horror Story with Congress

An email from the Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force:

The Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force will be meeting with Members of Congress in Washington DC face-to-face from June 12-16. We want to hand deliver your tax and financial access horror story to Congressional staff and Members of Congress.

Reply to [email protected] and follow these 2 easy steps:

  1. Tell us your House Representative's name. (If you don't know, click here and search for your last US address or your US voting address, or your parent's last US address if you have never lived in the US.)
  2. Your tax and/or financial access story. Whatever pain points or problems you've experienced, we want to hear it.

Here are a few examples (you can make yours as long or as short as you want):

  • Name and Location: Peggy Johnson in Germany
  • House Rep's Name: Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (FL20)
  • Story: I've lived abroad for 20 years and I've never been able to open a German bank account, I've had to use a bank account under my German husband's name. What happens if my husband dies or we get a divorce? How do I manage my finances then?

  • Name and Location: John Cann in Canada
  • House Rep's Name: Mike Thompson (CA4)
  • Story: I opened a Canadian TFSA and then found out it was a PFIC. I then had to pay $3,000 to an expensive accountant to file complicated forms I couldn't figure out how to do myself. I closed the TFSA, but my money just sits in my account. How am I supposed to save for my future?

  • Name and Location: Carol Waters in Singapore
  • House Rep's Name: Dan Goldman (NY10)
  • Story: I've run a bakery for over a decade and set up my business as a local Singapore company. In 2018 I got hit with the Repatriation Tax and now I have to pay the GILTI tax so I can't afford it. This is incredibly unfair on a small business like mine. How am I to keep up with these complicated tax filings when I have a business to run?

Please reply to [email protected] to share your tax story with us so we can share it during our meetings in June. Only by sharing your stories can we best articulate the problems and seek legislative solutions for Americans abroad tax and financial access issues.

DA Global Taxation Task Force

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to a friend or family member that'd be interested in sharing their story.