During Black History Month, the DA Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus is highlighting the contributions of veterans.
Featured Black History Month Veterans:
Doris “ Dorrie” Miller, Midshipman Sydney Barber, Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, James Earl Jones, Montel Williams, Sunny Anderson, Representative Charlie Rangel, Harry Belafonte, Morgan Freeman, Berry Gordy, Jr., Jimi Hendrix, MC Hammer, Mr. T, James Avery, Tucker Smallwood, Skye P. Marshall, Alex Haley, Colonel Guion S. Bluford, Jr., Lieutenant General Julius W. Becton Jr., Private First Class Milton L. Olive III-Medal of Honor, Admiral Michelle Howard, Rear Admiral Retired Lillian Fishburne, Rear Admiral Annie Andrews, Major General Irene Trowell-Harris, Minuteman Lemuel Haynes, Corporal Freddie Stowers, First Lieutenant Vernon J. Baker, Harriet Tubman, Private Nelson Charles Davis, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Hazel Johnson-Brown, Cathay Williams , Jackie Robinson, Medgar Evers, Vernice Armour
For details on their accomplishments, check Democrats Abroad Veterans and Military Families Caucus - Facebook (www.facebook.com/DAVetsAndMilitaryFamilies)
Join the DA Veterans and Military Families Global Caucus: [email protected]
Absentee Ballots.
Register/Request your absentee ballot today! Make sure you are all set to vote in 2021.
Register to vote and request your absentee ballot at www.votefromabroad.org.
Request that your absentee ballot be emailed to you.
Americans overseas must request their absentee ballots every calendar year. Some Americans missed out on voting in the November election because they had not requested their absentee ballots before the deadline!