Photo By: Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Gideon Schippers
Photo By: Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Gideon Schippers


The Veterans and Military Families (VMF) Caucus, founded in May 2019, is made up of Democrats Abroad (DA) members who are willing to advocate on issues important to veterans and their families.

Democrats Abroad (DA) honors the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces; their service deserves our deepest gratitude and respect. This caucus will work within DA to achieve this. 

The VMF Caucus members share and adhere to the principles and demands expressed in the platforms of both the Democratic Party and DA regarding veterans, active military and their families.


Our mission is to reach out to veterans, active duty and reserve military members and DoD civilians, as well as their families living abroad to encourage them to register to vote by facilitating get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts while also developing sensible and sensitive strategies for encouraging active service members at U.S. overseas military bases to vote and to engage them in advocacy for our policy positions and to provide a forum for DA members to understand better the issues and concerns affecting our military forces, veterans, and their families outside of the United States.

Our guiding principles are to support all efforts to ensure that veterans’ and military families’ issues, concerns and agendas are championed, to support the DA global  agenda on GOTV with a focus on active duty military, veterans and military families and DoD civilians and to sponsor and advocate for veterans’ and military families’ concerns and issues.

Photo By: Marine Corps Cpl. Nicholas Filca

The  Veterans and Military Families Caucus welcomes your suggestions. Contact us at [email protected].

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Vote! Don't forget that United States citizens who are overseas must request their absentee ballot every calendar year. Please go to


The Terms of Reference of the Democrats Abroad Global Veterans and Military Families Caucus are based on the Democratic National Committee’s agenda on veterans’ and military families’ issues, concerns and objectives.

Military marching band on a U.S. football field
Photo By: Army Sgt. Ethan Scofield

“Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world…Our country has a sacred, moral responsibility to keep faith with all our veterans and wounded warriors. We must take care of those who have put their lives on the line to defend us.”               DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORM

“Our commitment to America’s servicemembers and veterans is equal to the full measure of devotion that they have committed to us.

Democrats are committed to building a 21st-century Department of Veterans Affairs to deliver world-class care. We also will continue to work to make certain that coordination between the VA and the Department of Defense creates a smooth transition from active duty to civilian life — ensuring a modernized and efficient delivery of health care and pension benefits. We will work to strengthen our economy and communities by empowering veterans and connecting their unique skill sets with jobs of the future.

We also will work to ensure that veterans who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their service have access to the appropriate resources and the opportunity to recover. Because timely treatment often is critical to healing, Democrats support a swift passage of military and veterans appropriations legislation so that care is not delayed.

In 1944, Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt enacted the historic G.I. Bill, initiating Democrats’ longstanding commitment to providing America’s veterans access to higher education and the promise of success as a civilian — a commitment that remains strong today. We continue to ensure the G.I. Bill has the appropriate resources to meet its goals, which also includes the full implementation of the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill — which guarantees that all post-9/11 veterans have an opportunity to earn a college education.

Democrats will continue to stand with the military families who serve alongside their loved ones in uniform by supporting military spouses and children as they pursue education, careers, and financial opportunities. Democrats know that our nation must always celebrate the sacrifice our veterans have made on our behalf by providing them with the very best quality of life when they return home.”

                                      –DNC Veterans and Military Families

Photo by: Terese Sarno



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