The initial purpose of this project was to identify ways to support U.S. Victims of gender-based violence overseas who currently have no easily accessible, full-range safety net to meet their needs.
It turns out the problem is far more massive than we imagined. We did, however, find what should be a simple first fix - getting Pathways to Safety International, the only organization created specifically to meet this need, back up and running after they lost funding during the previous administration. That is, back up and running at even greater capacity than they were before. Expansion will be necessary because of our commitment to building awareness of their services and the reasons they exist.
We are happy to report that we’ve just helped PTSI edit/submit the first of several anticipated grant proposals.
However, the innumerable holes in legislation, consular policy, funding allocations within agencies, training, communications and more, will require a lot of additional attention. We are working on highlighting those deficiencies in a comprehensive report on the international GBV landscape.
We are in the penultimate stage in preparation of this support and could use help - writing, editing, fact-checking, designing and assembling the final document. If you are interested in becoming part of our small but mighty team, please email Marnie Delaney [email protected].
We plan to turn our attention next to Advocacy planning and execution.
We welcome help from those of you interested in developing public relations and lobbying efforts, writing GOTV messages highlighting the need for attention to this issue and identifying specific opportunities for action we want to see from legislators and the administration.
This isn’t, in the end, a project that will only benefit the American victims of crimes. If we are successful, we think there can be implications for the situation for potential victims in countries around the world. While we are addressing the international crisis of gender terrorism, we believe, as established by the work of Dr. Valerie Hudson and others, that any abatement of that crisis benefits the peace and security of all people and of nations.
Please join the DA GWC Women Safe Abroad Project and help address the problems of gender-based violence in the US and around the globe.
Contact: Marnie Delaney [email protected]