What's Your 2020 Democratic Resolution?


The 2016 election showed us what happens when nearly half of the eligible voters in the U.S. don't vote. The American political process is often exhausting, confusing, and inaccessible, but we can't change that by staying home. The 2018 midterms saw the largest voter turnout in a midterm election in over 100 years, which resulted in major Democratic victories across the country. If we're going to take back the Senate and the White House in 2020, we need to do even better.

Democrats Abroad is dedicated to carrying the hope and success of 2018 into 2020, and we need everyone to commit to not only requesting and returning their absentee ballots, but also getting all the Americans they know (at home and abroad) to vote. 

Are you ready to join the movement? Tell us what your 2020 Democratic Resolutions are! Send us a photo of yourself with your resolution: [email protected].

You can see other members' photos here.