The Democratic Party has been in my blood... since my mother strolled me door to door, for Adlai Stevenson. I tagged along with my sister, campaigning for Eugene McCarthy. I personally volunteered for Dukakis, Boxer, Dean, Obama, Clinton, and most recently Elizabeth Warren. Where I organized "Team UFL" (Uruguayans For Liz). After 40 years in the media-technology business... I'm now semi-retired living with my Brazilian diplomat wife, in Montevideo, Uruguay. I now have the time to give back to my Party and to my country. I am running as a DA delegate to the DNC. And I'll use all of my experience, resources, and connections... to strengthen the Party and support every Democratic candidate. It's IMPERATIVE that we defeat Donald Trump, hold the House, and take back the Senate. The environment, our civil rights, our international stature... all depend on it.