December 20, 2021

2022 Democrats Abroad Sweden Annual General Meeting

We will be having our annual general meeting on Saturday, February 5, 2022 from 1pm-4pm on WebEx

Please RSVP here for the link.

It is imperative that we mobilize and win in the mid-terms! In addition to our regular meeting, we will be making plans to help Americans register and vote. Democrats Abroad had a big impact in the 2020 elections, and we can do it again!

Below is the day's schedule and the agenda for the annual general meeting. Please note that we will be electing a person to our Member-at-large position, which has been noticed separately by our nominations and elections committee.


13:00-13:30     Welcome and introductions
13:30-14:30     Annual General Meeting (see agenda below)
14:30-15:30     Chapter Break-outs: Planning for the midterms (intros, voter registration, phonebanking, virtual/events)
15:30-15:45     Wrap-up and ending

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Agenda

1. Call to order
2. Prepare and approve the voting list (roll-call) and quorum determination
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Elect two persons to attest the minutes
5. Determination that the meeting has been duly called
6. Reading and approval of the 2021 AGM minutes
7. Chair's report (incl. Chapter reports)
8. Treasurer's report
9. Auditor's report
10. Approval of the accounts and discharge Executive Committee from liability vote
11. Nomination and approval of auditor for 2022 finances
12. Announcement of results of special election for Member-at-large position
13. Closing remarks and end-of-meeting