December 31, 2024

2025 Annual General Meeting and Board Elections

The result of the November 5 election is not what any of us hoped for, but that doesn’t mean our work is ended - far from it!  The 2026 midterm elections are coming in two years, with the opportunity to reclaim control of the House and Senate, and to restore the checks and balances that the framers of our constitution intended.  If you care about making America sane again, it’s vital that we take President Biden’s advice. “When you get knocked down you get back up”. 


and Board Elections

March 15, 2025
Saturday, 1-2 pm

Virtual Meeting

The Board of Directors of DAVI invite you to mark your calendars and attend our Annual General Meeting.  Details will be forthcoming.  This is an opportunity to learn from your officers about what we have done to Get Out the Vote in 2024 and the activities we have sponsored. 

Additionally, we will be electing Chapter officers.  A few of our long-time Board members have decided to step down from their positions this year.  If we are to continue our efforts to get out the vote in 2026, it is more important than ever to find new and enthusiastic volunteers to join the Board.  DAVI officer job descriptions can be found HERE, and the timeline for the DAVI officer elections can be found HERE.

Candidates for any of the offices are welcome.  However, especially needed are candidates for Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Member-at-Large.  Could this be you?  If you are interested, please put your name forward!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact any of the current Board Members. We are a fun and supportive group.

If you are unable to volunteer by serving on our Board, you can help DAVI remain a viable chapter by attending our Annual General Meeting.  A quorum is needed for the chapter elections and motions to be valid.  So please help us achieve a quorum and join us for this important meeting.  SAVE THE DATE and PLEASE ATTEND!