Saturday, February 24


AAPI Kitchen Table Talk

What are important political issues for AAPI? Are there issues that are specific to AAPI living overseas? Are there certain issues you want to see Democratic candidates address in their campaigns?

Like in past presidential election years, Democrats Abroad will be working on its new platform. The platform reflects DA's political philosophy and aspirations. You can review the 2020 platform here. If you are interested in sharing your ideas and discussing policy issues that you believe are important as AAPI living abroad, then join us on Saturday, February 24th for our AAPI Kitchen Table Talk.

This is also a chance to shape the caucus' event programming for the year. As we start organizing events for 2024, we want to hear from you and hear what important issues you want to see addressed.


Location Local Time
Washington, D.C. 4:30 am
London, UK 9:30 am
Berlin, Germany 10:30 am
Beijing, China 5:30 pm
Seoul, South Korea 6:30 pm
Sydney, Australia 8:30 pm



Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 04:30 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Global AAPI Caucus
[email protected]