All Hands on Deck!

The Global Black Caucus needs your help… And you don’t have to be African-American to join!

Our GBC Steering Committee Team Leads are looking for volunteers who are interested in joining various teams.

The GBC volunteer works closely with our Engagement, Press / Media Relations, Communications, Reparations, Fundraising, Networking and GOTV Team Leads.

Be a valued part of the Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus that provides a forum for all DA members to better understand the issues and concerns affecting Black Americans, to help eliminate unconscious bias within the DA membership and in America, to help engage with Black voters living abroad and ensure that their needs are met within the DA community, and, where needed, to advocate for reforms to political issues. We encourage and facilitate Black Americans abroad to engage, become informed, and exercise their voting franchise.

Interested? Please fill out the form HERE and we will get in touch with you.

Feel free to CONTACT US  for more information.

[email protected]