Martin & Malcolm Revisited
For every poison there is a remedy
For every wrong a rightfulness
Our shoes may have worn heels
Yet, this is not the time to despair
Nor is it the time for self-doubt
We are not living on the edge
We are peering through the willows
Still quick to jump the gun
And even quicker at finding fault
With ourselves and of course each other
Embracing fear with weary conviction
Waiting for the lurch of sudden attack
Well, when you’re thirsty, you get smart
You go out and search for water
This life’s well has not yet dried up
nor has all hope been drowned by tears
rather rearisen in stoic commitment
with a stubbornness essential to survival
many bodies have died for causes unknown
and left their names on google pages
some with stories never to be told
yet we all travel the same paths
possess similar hopes and dreams
A desire enforcing uplifting fulfilling
that one day that Martin prophesied
the mountaintop is within our reach
when Malcolm yelled the bullet or the ballot
Well, which one shall it before us now?
Should we just give up? Or die trying?
Camille Elaine Thomas, May 12, 2020
Elaine Thomas from Germany - Read Elaine's Bio
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