Caroline Ruchonnet, GDC Accessibilty Coordinator

Caroline_Ruchonnet.jpegDr. Caroline Ruchonnet grew up in Madison NJ. At 18, she moved to Scotland where she earned a MA(Hons) in Medieval History and Archaeology from the University of St Andrews, and a MSc and PhD from the University of Edinburgh in Forensic Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology. As part of DAUK’s Scotland chapter, she helped organize the 2018 Edinburgh March For Our Lives protest. Since then she has led DAUK Scotland as Chair, organising fundraising events, voter registration drives, social events, and polling stations for the 2020 Global Presidential Primary. She has also served DAUK, helping to establish 7 new regional groups and organizing several country-wide virtual events including the July 4th picnic, presidential debate watches and town halls. She lives in Dunfermline, Fife, with her husband Antoine and their six chickens.