Call for Candidates
2017 – 2019 Geneva Chapter Chair
In an exciting decision for the future of DACH, petitions for new chapters in Basel and Geneva were approved at the DACH AGM on March 25, raising the number of chapters to three, including Zurich (2009).
We are pleased to announce that the election of the DACH Geneva Chapter Chair will be held on Wednesday, May 24 from 6 to 8 PM in Geneva (details to follow). This will be the only elected office.
This will also be the chapter organizational meeting, when we get the chapter up and running and fill other positions on the new committee, appointed by the Chair. Please see three proposed positions below.
The role of the future Chair will be to see that the Geneva chapter engages its members in the U.S. political process with events and political action to help Democrats win races at state and federal levels, by getting out the vote in the 2018 U.S. Midterm Congressional Elections. There will be plenty of opportunity and demand for activism to promote the Democratic message and to counter the policies being put in place by the new Republican administration.
Any member of Democrats Abroad active in the Geneva region is eligible, and encouraged, to run for Chair, and to vote.
To run, please submit your name, address, telephone number and email address to the Nominating Committee with a statement of intent (up to 500 words).
Please share what you think qualifies you for the position of Chair, and the three priorities that you will focus your time and energy on over the next two years.
Candidates are invited to send in their candidate statements by midnight, Monday, April 24.
The list of candidates and their statements, along with election details and voting procedures, will be posted on the website and emailed to members on April 28.
Organizational meeting and election: 6-8 PM, May 24, Geneva (venue TBA)
Anne-Shelton Aaron [email protected]
Peter Butterfield [email protected]
You are invited to contact either member if you have any questions.
☆ Chair ☆
As Chief Executive Officer of the Geneva chapter and Member ex officio of the DACH Executive Committee (ExCom), the Chair is expected to
• be a dedicated team player who will work with the Basel and Zurich chapters, volunteers and the DACH ExCom;
• appoint other chapter officers as needed to sit on the chapter committee, and define their responsibilities;
• organize and conduct regularly scheduled meetings and other events of the Geneva chapter as needed;
• establish and support all committees necessary for the proper functioning of the chapter;
• coordinate and share responsibility with the DACH ExCom for voter and member outreach in the Swiss Romande region where no chapters are yet established.
The committee also seeks volunteers who would like to hold the following positions in the chapter:
☆ Vice-chair ☆
• Assist Chair in chapter planning
• Substitute for Chair when needed, especially at DACH ExCom meetings
• Attend all chapter committee meetings
• Take on other responsibilities as agreed upon with the Chair
☆ Secretary / Treasurer ☆
• Distribute meeting agendas to committee when necessary
• Take minutes of all meetings and, after approval of the Chair, distribute to the chapter committee and DACH ExCom
• Manage and maintain the Geneva chapter membership and volunteer lists in coordination with the DACH Secretary. This may require training on the DA database.
• Maintain files and administrative records of the chapter (Google Drive)
• Manage the finances of the Geneva chapter in coordination with the DACH ExCom Treasurer
• Maintain clear and accurate financial records and make financial reports as required
• Ensure all financial matters conform to local rules and regulations as well as to those of the Federal Election Commission and campaign finance laws of the United States
☆ Events / Volunteers Coordinator ☆
• Develop and implement a program of events for the chapter, coordinating with the Chair and with the DACH Member-at-Large for Events/Volunteers
• Keep an up-to-date list of volunteers, recruit them for events as needed