Regional Vice Chair for EMEA Jennifer Rakow-Stepper is working with the DA Finland Executive Committee and Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) to organize and oversee a Special Election to fill recent leadership vacancies.
To be eligible for office, a candidate must have been a DA Finland member for 30 days prior to the election, and must submit a Candidate Statement of 250 words or less with a recent photo. Democrats Abroad requires the Chair and Vice Chair be of different sex; thus, candidates for these positions must indicate their sex (see section 4.2 of the DA Finland Bylaws). Please include all the positions you are seeking, and note that we will run election contests for the positions in the order listed here.
If there is no declared candidate for an open position by the close of nominations on January 6, 2024, nominations will be accepted from the floor during the meeting. Similarly, if a current Executive Committee member is elected to a new position, the NEC will call for nominations from the floor and conduct a second round of balloting.
Executive Committee positions have a term limit of two consecutive terms, where one term is defined as a period of 13 to 24 months. The terms of all positions filled in this special election will run through the next regular election at our 2025 Annual General Meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact the NEC at [email protected]
— Derek Sellin (chair), Julie Visovatti, Khalil AbuSharekh, and John Barry
Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC)