December 16, 2016

DA Switzerland Executive Committee Elections

Consider running for an ExCom or Zürich Chapter seat

DACH ExCom 2017-19

Democrats in Switzerland — and across the world — are determined to right the ship and put Democrats back in office where they belong. If that includes you, we encourage you to get active with DA Switzerland! We welcome everyone to lend a voice where possible, to help organize and even to run for a seat on the Executive Committee. A new ExCom will be elected in March at our Annual General Meeting.

ExCom Elections in March 2017

The official call for candidates will go out in January, but now is the time to think about running for one of nine seats: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Legal Counsel, and four Members-at-Large. Serving on the ExCom means a minimum time commitment, but the rewards in seeing things happen can be great. Please write chair Anne-Shelton Aaron to find out more at [email protected].