On Wednesday, May 24th, Laura Messenger became the first Chair, elected by acclamation at the inaugural meeting of the Democrats Abroad Switzerland Geneva Chapter held near Geneva's Old Town.
Laura, a longtime member, is also on DA's Global Communications Committee.
Current DACH Chair Kate Edson came from Basel to welcome Laura Messenger to the new office and seat on the Executive Committee. Also in attendance were Macha Levinson (DACH Chair 1987-1990), Warren Furth (DACH Chair 2001-2003) and Michael Parmly (former ExCom Member) among the quorum of 25 members.
Thanks go to the Nominations Committee for the Geneva Chapter Elections, Anne-Shelton Aaron and Peter Butterfield, DACH Chair and Vice-Chair from 2013 to 2017, and who were instrumental in the launch of two new chapters this year and growing communities in other regions across Switzerland. Anne-Shelton proposed the creation of the new Geneva chapter, and together with former DACH Chair Maya Samara (2009-2013) carried it to its inauguration.
Reflections from DA Switzerland's Past Leaders
Watch our archive video interviews with Macha Levinson, Warren Furth, and other past leaders, discussing their experiences on the DA Switzerland YouTube channel.