With the Action Button the power of action is in your hands!
Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) since it has met all the requirements to become the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Contact Members of Congress.
ERA is still on our front burner even if Congress and The White House appear to be casting it aside. There is still some work to do to get the ERA into the Constitution so we need everyone’s help. If you haven't signed the petition, please do so right away and if you have already signed, please share it with everyone you know! (New signees please share it as well!) National ERA Petition.
The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution is still in the limbo stage, although it has met all the requirements to become the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It still has not been published because the Archivist refuses based on a memo from the Trump Administration, and President Biden refuses saying Congress has to do something, and we all know Congress isn't getting much done, particularly anything in granting rights to women and LGBTQ+ citizens. Democrats Abroad unanimously passed a resolution late last year urging Biden to publish the ERA and for Congress to affirm it is the 28th Amendment. It appears that Congress is not hearing from their constituents on the importance of the ERA. That's where we can help. Let your two Senators and your Representative know that we need their support now for the ERA.
Contact Members of Congress. Spread the word on social media!
Affirm ERA as the 28th Amendment with the Action Button-the power of action is in your hands! Feel free to add to the email template. Just click on the link, enter your US voting address, add your name, and send to all 3 in one easy step.
The Equality Amendment to the New York State Constitution will be on the ballot in November. “It is an amendment to Section 11 of Article 1 of the New York State Constitution, which is about equal protection under the law. The amendment would enshrine in the New York Constitution protections based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, national origin, and other factors. The New York State Bar Association’s Women in Law Section is planning to dedicate the upcoming year to pushing for the ERA on the federal and state level.” Could our State Teams encourage their states to do the same?
What else can we do to ensure that ERA finally gets into the Constitution this year? We can help every U.S. citizen abroad register to vote and participate in DA’s Global Presidential Primary in March and encourage everyone to return their November Election ballots. Turnout is important. With your help, we can make it happen! DA members have been a formidable force in previous elections.
Go to VoteFromAbroad today to request your absentee ballot!