August 26, 2016

How to contribute to GET OUT THE VOTE in 2016

Democrats Abroad Philippines Members - you can help make a difference this election by being part of the Phone Bank Team, the Voter Information Help Team, or as a Social Media Promoter!

1. Get Out the Vote - Phone Bank Team

Make some calls to fellow members of Democrats Abroad Philippines in our 3R Campaign (Request, Receive and Return ballots) now until mid-October. This year we're using an online system called CallHub to make the GOTV calls.

  • You'll need your own computer or laptop (CallHub doesn't work on tablets like iPads)

  • The computer makes the call for you, so you won't use your phone minutes or much data.

  • CallHub will offer prompts for what to say and ask to check if they've requested, received or returned an absentee ballot.

  • You can make as few or as many calls as you are able to between now and mid-October.

  • You make the calls when it suits you, from the comfort of your home or office.

Instructions to Sign Up for Phone Banking
a. Log on to Democrats Abroad at (Only US citizens can be DA members & volunteer)

b. Copy into your browser once you are logged on.

c. Select 'phone banking' (see below about the GOTV Help Desk Team)

d. Select the number of calls you think you can make in any given week of the 3R campaign. 20 - 50 calls a week is actually about an hour's worth of time for democracy, because the calls are short and you'll get a fair number of voice malls and invalid phone numbers.

e. Sign the confidentiality agreement and submit!

f. CallHub works best on the Google Chrome browser. You can download it at

g. Activate your CallHub account by clicking the link in the email sent to you with your username. (It may take up to 10 minutes for the email to be sent).

i. Bookmark

j. Your first call will be test call with a Democrats Abroad Philippines assessor, who will then contact DA to get you set up with the Australia campaign.

k. You'll receive an email and you'll be good to go to start making calls!

2. Get Out the Vote - Voter Information Help Team

Can I vote at the Consulate? Can I vote from overseas as US citizen who never lived there? Where's my ballot? Be a part of the global team answering these questions and more sent to the VoteFromAbroad Help Desk. You'll get training to help direct voters to resources for all their answers.

Instructions to Sign Up for the Voter Info Help Team

a. Log on to Democrats Abroad at (Only US citizens can be DA members & volunteer)

b. Copy into your browser once you are logged on.

c. Select 'voter information'

d. Select the estimate of your time commitment.

e. More information will be sent to you by email shortly!

3. Social Media Promoter

Post or tweet about great resource to request absentee ballots and voter information. Take a selfie of you sending in your ballot request or absentee ballot. There's nothing like the positive pressure of social media!