Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus reaches out to the new Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

We are happy to announce that the DAHC wrote to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to introduce ourselves to the new Chair, Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA-36), and to reaffirm our commitment to working with our Latinx Democratic allies to pass meaningful reforms. We want to use this year to forge strong ties to Congress and with other potential allies back in the  U.S.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC)

Attn. Mr. Raúl Ruiz, Chairman

2241 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

January 26th, 2021

Dear Mr. Chairman,

It is our pleasure and honor to submit this letter to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC). We, the Steering Committee of Global Hispanic Caucus of Democrats Abroad, would kindly like to call the attention of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to the following circumstances:

I. The Global Hispanic Caucus of Democrats Abroad (hereinafter, “DAHC”) was set to provide a forum for all Democrats Abroad members to better understand the issues and concerns affecting the U.S. Hispanic community, to help engage with U.S. Hispanic voters living abroad and ensure that their needs are met within the Democrats Abroad community, and, where needed, to advocate for reforms to political issues. Therefore, the DAHC is integrated by US Hispanic citizens from all over world.


II. Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the 9 million Americans living outside the United States that strives to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.


III. DAHC Mission Statement clearly sets forth to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and the goals and ideals of the Democratic Party and Democrats Abroad. In particular.

  • To advocate on issues of concern to the U.S. Hispanic community
  • To be a pro-Hispanic voice for U.S. citizens living abroad
  • To support campaigns of Hispanic nominees running for elected office in the U.S.

IV. Likewise, DAHC encourages all Democratic Hispanic members of Congress to join this caucus for the purpose of a unified voice in Congress advocating for policies to improve the lives and well-being of Hispanic-Americans.


For these reasons and considering that this CHC addresses national and international issues and crafts policies that impact the Hispanic community, we hereby will like to express our full readiness on assisting advising and collaborating with the CHC on whatever it may be considered convenient to contribute as much as possible to the benefit of the Hispanic Community.

Truly yours,

Steering Committee Global Hispanic Caucus