Tuesday, April 12

Washington, D.C.

Monthly Meeting - Global Disability Caucus Steering Committee

Join the monthly meetings of the Global Disability Caucus (GDC). Please RSVP below to receive the April 12th meeting link!

We are dedicated to building a stronger Democrats Abroad - by making all information, events and activities more accessible and being more cognizant of, and sensitive to, disability issues.

In addition to Democrats Abroad members with disabilities, we welcome and encourage the involvement of supporters of our members and our issues.  We hope to form an inclusive, diverse, active and effective community which provides fulfilling experiences for all.

Please check the Global Disability Caucus Wiki-Page or the DemsAbroad Global Calendar to find future dates for these meetings and other GDC events!

Consider making a donation to HELP get out the vote in 2022. Please donate TODAY at: https://www.democratsabroad.org/dc-donations

The Future is Accessible!

Washington DC  (USA) 09:00:00 EDT
Paris  (France) 15:00:00 CEST
Beijing  (China) 21:00:00 CST
Location Local Time Time Zone


Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Washington, D.C., DC
Google map and directions


Marnie Delaney
[email protected]