April 19, 2024

25 Day Announcement: DACH Basel's Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of DACH Basel will take place on Google Meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 PM!

Are you interested in attending? Please RSVP on the event page here.

Tentative Agenda

  Topic Time Responsibility
1. Introductions & Welcome 7:05 PM Liz Voss, Basel Chair
2. Approval of Minutes from 2023 AGM 7:10 PM Kristen Jafflin, Basel Secretary
3. Year in Review 7:15 PM Liz Voss
4. Announcements & Upcoming Events 7:30 PM Liz Voss
5. GOTV Ideas, Questions, Comments, Suggestions 7:45 PM Membership
6. Basel Business Meeting 8:00 PM Basel Committee
7. Adjournment 8:30 PM  

Your Basel leadership team wants to make sure that we are holding events that you are interested in and care about, so it is important that we hear from you! Please plan to attend our AGM on May 14!

Democratically yours,

Liz Voss
[email protected]

We want to know what you think about the events we've had so that we can make future events better!

Events may be added throughout the month, so be sure to check our events page, social media channels, or our Google Calendar!

SAVE THE DATE and be sure to join Democrats Abroad Switzerland for a nationwide celebration of 🇺🇸 Independence Day 🇺🇸 and the official kickoff of ☀️ summer ☀️!

Details are still being finalized, but we will be holding a potluck party at the Köniz Castle in Bern; please mark your calendars because we would love to see you there!

Please go to our website for more information on upcoming events, how to become a volunteer, and how to become a sustaining donor.

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