May 06, 2021

DPCA Executive Committee Resolution Regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations


March 26, 2021

  1. Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has infected nearly 120 million people and caused over 2.6 million deaths worldwide, and

  2. Whereas many Americans live in nations which may not readily be able to provide vaccinations to all people within their boundaries or which may limit vaccine availability based on nationality, cost or other factors, thereby resulting in many Americans living overseas remaining unvaccinated, and

  3. Whereas this situation may also reduce the ability of American citizens to travel freely to the United States on business or due to family emergencies,

  4. Whereas protection for Americans is linked to immunizations worldwide to end the spread and mutation of the COVID-19 virus, 

  5. Therefore Democrats Abroad calls on President Biden and Congress to include all Americans in his commitment, regardless of where they reside, and to empower and direct the Departments of State and of Health and Human Services to cooperate with the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, and public health authorities worldwide to provide, or ensure the availability of, vaccinations for all Americans abroad, and to support the global availability of adequate vaccine supplies as a critical step in ending the pandemic worldwide.

  6. Therefore, the DPCA ExCom commits volunteer resources and our organization to making the appropriate authorities in the US government aware of the pressing needs for this action, and to keep our members informed of our actions.