Photo Credit: Sukit Vanichrudeee
Democrats Abroad Thailand (DAT) is the official country committee for US Democrats living in Thailand. We provide opportunities for Americans in Thailand to get involved in the Democratic party and issues that matter to them. These are trying times and it will take all of us to fight back. US citizens around the world are organizing for a fairer and more just America that embraces diversity- let's raise our voices together and be heard all the way from Thailand.
We support our great Democratic candidates and encourage discussion about the ideas and solutions they offer through debate watch parties, post-debate discussions, live chats with the candidates. We host political pub nights to get your political banter on, Ladies Night, issue based call-congress parties, film nights.
Minutes of all DA ExComm meetings are available to our members for reading by contacting the Secretary at 085-173-8737.
If you are specifically interested in racial justice, gender equality and/ or LGBTQ rights - join one or all of our Caucuses here on the website and then follow us on FB : Black Caucus and Women's Caucus.
We have three official chapters, in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and the North, and Pattaya and the Eastern Seaboard. We are always looking to grow our chapter network so if you are interested in organizing for social justice- let me know!
You can find us on Facebook at Democrats Abroad Thailand and Democrats Abroad Chiang Mai or on Twitter @DemsUSAThailand and @DemsAbroadThai
I look forward to welcoming you at the next DAT event.
Michael March
Acting Chair, Democrats Abroad Thailand
[email protected]