Let’s elect Democrats Erika Connors and Brian Sullivan to the New Hampshire State Legislature!
NOW is the time to vote in the November 7th Special Elections in NH's State House District Hillsborough 15 (Manchester area) and State House District Sullivan 1 (Claremont area).
Overseas voters who indicate on their ballot request form that they "intend to return" can vote in New Hampshire State Elections--and your vote can be the difference! Turnout for Special Elections tend to be very low and just a few votes--such as yours--can be key.
It's simple to vote! To request your ballot (and also register to vote if necessary) just go to www.votefromabroad.org and fill out the form. Then print it, sign it and send it to New Hampshire. Send it in by EMAIL, FAX or MAIL. It must get to New Hampshire by November 6th.
When you get your ballot, you must MAIL it back and it must get to New Hampshire by November 7th at 5pm (New Hampshire time).