July 18, 2020

Phonebanking Campaign

Dear Democrats Abroad Japan Members,

The biggest thing we need to do this year is Vote! in November and make sure all our 4000 DAJ members, their friends and families vote, too. One of the most effective ways we can do that is by calling/messaging them through a 📞phone banking campaign.

We need to act fast⏰.  The recommended date for yearly voter registration to get a ballot this year is August 1st. Only 600 of our roughly 4000 members in Japan have completed their www.votefromabroad.org ballot requests so far.😱   

 Ways you can help:

  1.     Phone banking📞- help call our DAJ members

     We are launching an online phone banking campaign, and need volunteers. It's easy. The campaign software does automatic dialing, and then you just follow the script on the screen.

Sign up at https://www.democratsabroad.org/voter_support_team (more details at # 3.)

  1.   Register Yourself!

         If you have not filled out your votefromabroad.org ballot request, go do it NOW, so we don’t need to call you. If you have already requested your ballot this year, forward the link to your US citizen friends and colleagues. 🙏

Go to https://www.votefromabroad.org/

  1.     Join a Phone banking online party📞🎉

DA Australia is sponsoring online phone bank parties several nights a week.  All Democrats Abroad members living in Asia Pacific countries 🌏 are welcome to join. They provide training on how to join the call campaign, then everyone goes off to make phone calls for an hour, and finally everyone returns to have a quick online postmortem discussion.  We can do our own team-Japan campaign “2020-07 JP CC-BallotReq Japan-ALL #057B (0000-0800EDT)

RSVP for the Australia events at https://www.democratsabroad.org/au_events

For information on the campaign, please contact [email protected]