September 13, 2022

Letter to the Editor Response to Bloomberg Opinion Piece

To the Editor Re: Next, the Supreme Court Decides How to Punish US Expats. 8/26/22

Washington Post or original source Bloomberg

Andreas Kluth admirably summarizes the uniquely unfair way the U.S. tax system handles citizens living abroad. Left unaddressed, however, was the most important part of the solution: voting. If Americans abroad, and Americans at home justifiably concerned with the challenges faced by fellow citizens abroad, wish to generate adequate political will and legislation (i.e. the residency-based tax system employed by almost every other country) to address these challenges, they must vote for legislators who take the issue seriously.

Further, Americans abroad must be made aware that their tax status isn’t a barrier to voting - casting a ballot will not get you audited by the IRS! The 24th Amendment and Overseas Citizens Voting Rights Act protect our right to vote, regardless of location, duration of time abroad, origin of our citizenship, or the status of our taxes. Americans abroad (many of whom don’t vote specifically for fear of tax consequences) must participate in all U.S. elections, especially this year’s midterms. If more of us vote, Congress will no longer be able to ignore a constituency larger than the population of all but 11 states, and address these antiquated laws that don’t work in an increasingly globalized world.

Rebecca Lammers
Chair, Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force
London, United Kingdom