Statement from the Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force on the Congressional American Abroad Caucus Roundtable Discussion on May 23

Democrats Abroad is pleased to have spoken as experts at the first ever Congressional American Abroad Caucus Roundtable Discussion on May 23. Over 30 House Members and Congressional staff were in attendance.

The meeting was focused on discussing American abroad tax and financial access issues. Members present at the discussion include Americans Abroad Caucus Chairwoman  Carolyn Maloney (NY-12), Co-Chair Dina Titus (NV-8), and Congressman Don Beyer (VA-8), who co-lead legislation to better serve Americans living abroad alongside of Caucus Co-Chair María Elvira Salazar (FL-27).

The meeting was closed to the public to ensure that Congressional leaders could speak openly about how best to resolve the tax and financial access problems and issues that Americans abroad.

Actions coming out of the meeting included:

The meeting was a great success in that the Congressional American Abroad Caucus had never hosted a Roundtable Discussion, and it is the Taxation Task Force's hope that there will be more Congressional Roundtable discussions in the American Abroad Caucus in the future to provide a useful and productive forum for Congressional leaders to voice their concerns and generate productive actions to improve the lives for Americans abroad.