The DACH Women’s Caucus would like to know how we can best address your concerns. Could you please take this brief survey to share your thoughts? You can complete the survey via the link here.
1. What topics would you like the DACH women’s caucus to address:
- Reproductive health/freedom/justice
- Violence against women
- Income inequality
- Women's health
- Paid leave
- Combatting voter suppression
- Universal pre-k
- Affordable childcare
- Intersectional feminism
- Other _____________________
2. What types of activities would you like the DACH women’s caucus to organize?
3. Are you interested in organizing any activities for the DACH women’s caucus? If so, please indicate the type of activities.
4. Do you have any other ideas, suggestions, questions or input for us? Please leave a comment here.