Welcome to the DA United Kingdom Caucus page. We have created this space to share news, events, and ideas within the caucus communities of our members in the United Kingdom.
Whether you're a long-time DAUK member or you're new to the club there is a place in one of our caucuses for you!
If you're interested in getting to know more about each caucus feel free to explore the information here. If you have any remaining questions please reach out to any of us by email
Black Caucus
LGBTQ+ Caucus
Progressive Caucus
Women's Caucus
Young Democrats
Black Caucus
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Adrienne Johnson
- advocates for legislation and programs that address the unique issues of African Americans and the community of Black people in the US;
- collaborates with DAUK caucuses and committees to highlight points where our respective issues intersect with other communities and interest groups;.
- aims to increase awareness and facilitate discussion about the long-standing contributions of Black Americans to the United State, the Democratic Party and the importance of the Black Vote to Democrats winning seats at local, state and federal level.
- We work in concert with and support the efforts of the Global Black Caucus, the DAUK- and DA International Executive Committees
- We welcome all who embrace these ideals.
For more information, visit the Black Caucus page.
LGBTQ+ Caucus
Email: [email protected]
Co-Chairs: Jason Mansfield and Mackenzie Jorgensen
- Raise awareness about issues that affect the American LGBTQ+ community in the UK;
- Participate in Pride events across the UK;
- Work to pass the Equality Act;
- Education ourselves and others on Transgender non-discrimination in medical treatment and sports;
- Provide a forum for discussion, activism, and community building amongst our members;
- Host forums with guest speakers
Women’s Caucus
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @DAUKWomenCaucus
Instagram: @daukwomenscaucus
Chair: Monica Cardenas
Vice Chair: Katherine Huang
Daya Benami Narasimha (Communications Chair)
Leadership Team: Carol Moore, Laura Donohue, Laura Mosedale, Sylvia Squire
The DAUK Women's Caucus
- is a friendly and diverse group of 500+ Democratic women and allies;
- seeks to advance gender equality and related Democratic issues through activism, education and community outreach;
- provides a safe and supportive space for our members to discuss issues, share experiences, develop skills and build networks;
- offers a wide range of programming including educational meetings, postcard socials and skills workshops;
- has plenty of opportunities for volunteers to get involved, whatever their skills, talents or availability may be.
For more information, visit the Women's Caucus page.
Progressive Caucus
Email: [email protected]
Chair: George Townsend
Steering Committee: Anne Ford, Eric Marcus, Nicole Satullo, Susan Trevelyan-Syke,
- Represent working Americans over special interests, moneyed elites, and corporations,
- believe healthcare is a human right,
- believe education and economic security are inalienable rights of all Americans,
- believe that protecting the environment is essential to us and future generations,
- advocate peace and diplomacy over military intervention, always, and
- protect the civil liberties of all Americans, including the marginalized and vulnerable.
For more information, visit the Progressive Caucus page.
Youth Caucus
Email: [email protected]
Co-Chairs: Aubrey McKinnon and Katya Raffensperger
Steering Committee: Delaney Conway, Bryan Cortright, Rachel Padilla, Chloe Richardson
- Objectives are aligned with the Young Democrats of America organization that seeks to mobilize young people under the age of 36 to participate in the electoral process to elect Democrats, influence the ideals of the Democratic Party, advocate for progressive issues.
- We hold monthly happy hours for casual meetings and recruiting new members.
- We also hold monthly themed policy talks to educate ourselves on contemporary issues.
- Helps steer young people interested in becoming politically involved into the broader activities of the Democrats Abroad.