VMF August 2022 Newsletter


August 2022


Vol. 2, No. 5

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Just as we did in the presidential election of 2020, we will make sure you know who we are. If you stand against our students, we will stand against you. If you vote against our educators, we will vote against you. This November, if you get in the way of our progress toward a more just nation, we will get in the way of your election.

Becky Pringle, National Education Association President


Editor’s Message —

Greetings! We have all been brought up believing that youth holds the future in their hands and that a good education is the basis for a successful democracy. The new law in Arizona that removes the bachelor's degree requirement for teachers is another step by the far right to dismantle public education. They also make it difficult for teachers to do their jobs since they are challenging many of the books used in advanced courses, especially those by authors of color. Teachers inevitably face challenges and are compelled to provide alternatives.

That Arizona, with the lowest teacher salaries in the U.S., has thrown teaching credentials out the window is horrifying. The Network for Public Education has alerted us to what is going on! Apparently, the Governor of Arizona as well as governors of some other states have no knowledge of the teaching profession although during the pandemic, parents understood how difficult it is to be a teacher when they were in charge of home schooling their children. The Arizona Governor has no idea what it takes to be a successful teacher and he is now allowing untrained college students to teach. This mentality is emphasized by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee who allowed Larry Arnn, his key education advisor, president of Hillsdale College and its charter school chain, to say that teachers “are trained in the dumbest parts of the dumbest colleges” and that “anyone can teach.” Those anti-unionists now have the teaching profession on their hit list. (Sick of the Teachers: Time for Reform)

Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers President, commented about certification in Arizona: “It’s very dangerous. It’s a good and dangerous example of the disrespect for knowledge in this country. They would never, ever do this about airline pilots. They would never do this about engineers. They would never do this about doctors. They would never do this about lawyers. But frankly, they are fearful about teachers actually teaching critical thinking, actually having knowledge. It’s antithetical to having an educated citizenry.”

Call To Action!

What do we do? We contact our Governors to urge them to support high standards for our students at all levels. Only certified teachers should be entrusted with the education of our students. Stop the radical right from dismantling our public education system. Public tax money should be for public education, not charter schools or religious schools no matter what the Supreme Court has declared. Church and state should be separated. The far right does not seem to care about this part of the Constitution.

Email and Tweet Your Governor Now! Students need quality public schools and public schools need professionally trained teachers.

Terese Sarno, Editor


Please join our caucus to show your support of the U.S. military!




Troops To Teachers

Become a Teacher

Civilian Career Opportunities Through SkillBridge

Service members who are approaching separation and are interested in finding post-military employment can visit the SkillBridge website.

24/7 Confidential Crisis Support for Veterans

You don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. Call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, Chat online, Text 838255   When stateside, you can also dial 988 and Press 1.

2022 And Events.png

August is

National Antiterrorism Awareness Month


August 4
- Coast Guard-232nd Birthday

August 7 - National Purple Heart Day honors the men and women who have been wounded or killed in military service.

August 9 - Health Care for the Homeless Day

August 10 - U.S. Department of Defense Birthday (DoD)agent_orange_awareness_day.jpg

August 10 - Agent Orange Awareness Day

August 13 - VMF Caucus Meeting 7:00 am EDT, WebEx Login    

August 14 - Navajo Code Talkers Day 80th Anniversary -  400 Navajo Code Talkers who served with the Marines in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945 developed a code using their native language that the Japanese never broke. There are four Navajo survivors: Thomas H. Begay, John Kinsel Jr., Samuel Sandoval, and Peter MacDonald Sr.

August 14 - V-J Day   President Harry S. Truman announced on August 14, 1945, that Japan had surrendered unconditionally.


August 16 - National Airborne Day honors the Army parachute tradition.      

August 19-28 Department of Defense Warrior Games

August 29 - Marine Corps Reserve Birthday  

Upcoming DA Activities

Ballot box

"Our democracy is strengthened when we make it easier for residents to access the ballot box.

Suzanne Bump, Massachusetts State Auditor

Fun fact: this year we will elect 435 US Representatives, 34 US Senators, 46 state legislatures, 36 governors

Phone banking training

State Voting Rules

August 2022:

August 2: AZ, KS, MI, MS, WA

August 4: TN

August 6: U.S. Virgin Islands

August 9: CT, MN, VT, WI; MN-CD 1

August 13: HI

August 16: AK WY; AK-U.S. House

August 23: FL, OK, NY

August 27: Guam

September 2022:

September 6:  MA

September 13: DE, NH, RI

The Overseas Voter in 2020: 35 Years of UOCAVA

Since there is no list of all U.S. citizens living abroad, FVAP compiles foreign and domestic data to estimate the number of voting-age U.S. citizens living abroad. North America (excluding the United States) and Europe contain the most voting-age U.S. citizens, although countries from other regions of the world also rank among the top 10.


Federal court strikes down parts of Texas voting law

Cheney wears white and pays tribute to Women's Suffrage Movement


Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Update: H.R.3967 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Honoring our PACT Act of 2022-July 13th sent back to Senate. Contact your U.S. Senators today and ask them to fast-track this legislation so it gets to the president’s desk quickly!  Rep. Luria Speaks on House Floor in Favor of PACT Act

Bill to protect same-sex, interracial marriage passes in House

Watching these bills: H.R. 7846, the Veterans' Compensation Cost of Living Adjustment Act

Immigration Bill that affects food prices.  Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA) Stumbling block: H-2A worker provision allowing workers to sue employers

Electoral Count Act changes draw broad support


Veteran Recognition: Medal of Freedom Recipients: Sen. John McCain and retired Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught

Retired Sgt. Maj. Jacqueline R. Slater, was recognized with the Trail Blazer Award at the 2022 Virginia Women Veterans Summit.

Congress paid tribute to the last World War II Medal of Honor recipient in ceremony honoring Iwo Jima hero Hershel Woodrow Williams as he lay in honor in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda.


VMF Health Resources:

VA Telehealth Services

VA Mobile

TRICARE Overseas Claims and Medical Claims

My HealtheVet's Account Types

Apply for VA Health Care

File a Disability Claim

National Center for PTSD

Vet Center Call Center

VA Facility Locator Tool

Veterans Crisis Line

Chat online

NatlVets Resource Directory

Click here for our Spotlight on Honor Flights

Click here for our Podcast & Social Media Recommendations

Click here for our Poetry Corner

Click here for our Film and Book Recommendations

Click here for our Brain-Zone Quiz

Click here for our Educational Resources

Click here for our Virtual Museum


GLOBAL VMF CAUCUS MEETINGS                                  

The VMF Caucus meets once a month. All Democrats Abroad members are welcome!

Next VMF meeting: August 13, 2022, 7:00am EDT, Webex Login

Password: dems   Meeting Number: 23167466511


dog with suggestion box

Do you have a VA Healthcare question?

Send it to: [email protected]



Terese Sarno (Germany)





Editorial Staff:

Kee Evans (Guatemala, Military Family)
Tilly Gaillard (France)
Bob Gould (USA, Military Family)
Isa Kocher (Turkey, Veteran)
Anthony "Mike" Nitz (SE Asia, Veteran)



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Please join our caucus to show your support of the U.S. military! 

"There are days where I get discouraged, there are moments where I am deeply disappointed. And, yes, there have been moments where I have stopped and said, ‘Is this worth it anymore?’  And every time I do that, I lick my wounds for a while, sometimes I cry. And then I say, ‘OK, let’s fight.’"

Justice Sonia Sotomayor