Join our ERA Photo and Video Campaign!
We are SO CLOSE now to getting the ERA ratified! The Virginia general assembly starts their session on January 9th and the Virginia Equal Means Equal team needs our help right now!
They would love to have some photos and videos of Americans living abroad who support ERA to use to win over some votes. So if you could take a photo holding a sign and/or make a 30-45 second video, that would be appreciated. Here are the simple guidelines.
If possible, they would like by the end of the week so they can put something together for a big event in Richmond on Jan 8. So if you could send something in before then, that would be great. However, if you miss this first deadline, we have also been asked by both Arizona and North Carolina for the same thing and they do not need as soon. Just send as soon as you can!
So – show your support of women and equal rights by creating a photo and/or video. Send the photo and video links to [email protected]
THANK YOU for your help!