December 07, 2022

Congratulations Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock

The Global Black Caucus is super stoked. 🙏🏾👍🏾👏🏾🗳🎉

Senator Raphael Warnock has won Georgia’s midterm runoff election and will be re-elected to the United States Senate.

He is now the FIRST Black person elected from the state to a full Senate term!

Democrats will now control 51 seats in the next Congress, expanding the current majority by one.

What great news to wake up to this morning! Our hard work has paid off, and Warnock is here to stay -- thank you Georgia Voters! 

#RaphaelWarnock #Georgia #Senator #Winner #Democrats #DemsAbroad #GlobalBlackCaucus #VoteFromAbroad #BlackVotesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #VotesFromAbroadMatter #ThankYou