December 23, 2021

Seasons Greetings from the Global Black Caucus Chair

GBC-HolidayCard.pngI am wishing you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. May good health, the peace and joy of the holidays be with you today and throughout the new year. Let’s take a moment and commemorate all victims, Family Members, Brothers & Sisters, Loved Ones, Friends, Co-Workers or even the Unknown Stranger from all walks of life, affected by the ongoing pandemic, which also still might prevent many of us from visiting our homes.

Please know that you are not alone. Our GBC-Community is made up of strong, diverse and supportive members from all around the world who are always there for each other and hear one out, and if you do feel alone and would like to exchange some thoughts, you may always drop me an email: [email protected]

I also would like to use the momentum of my highest gratitude to all our Volunteers and Supporters, our domestic and international Collaborators and all Democrats Abroad Volunteers who all share the same mission of Getting Out The Vote and fighting for upholding our Fundamental Human Right To VOTE!

Recognize And Celebrate Small Victories 4 The Big Win…

 Whilst 2021 is nearly at an end, our GBC mission continues to advocate on issues on behalf of our African-American Brothers, Sisters and Allies…..

The GBC will not be roped into the negative media frenzy on losing the Midterm Elections, quite the contrary! We will be focusing and utilizing our energy in recognizing and celebrating small victories 4 the big win.

And this is where…We Need You.

Our Brothers and Sisters Need You. Our Country NEEDS You.


There are many ways for you to get involved. You can become an active VOLUNTEER, DONATE or join our EVENTS and last but not least having a strong digital presence will be more important than ever for finding and mobilizing voters abroad for critical races in 2022. That’s why Democrats Abroad has prioritized redesigning its website in the first quarter of 2022.

At the top of the to-do list is making our website more engaging, accessible, and user-friendly – something we know needs to be done, but which comes with a price tag of $30,000.

Help us in this longer-term investment so that we can better attract and support our online visitors – and in turn convert site visits into activism and votes! Please chip in today at

 Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every helping hand!

Love and Light

Leedonal (Jazz) Moore
Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus Chair

Immediate Call To Action: GBC-CalltoAction.png

 We won’t let our country be dragged back into the era of Jim Crow voter suppression laws.

 In 2021 alone, more than 425 bills to restrict voter access have been introduced in 49 states. So far, at least 19 of those states have enacted 33 laws that make it harder for people to vote.

We have breaking intel that the Freedom to Vote Act could move forward in the Senate before the end of the year.

We need you to act right away to urge your Senators to do just that!

We encourage you to use 5.CALLS.ORG to find your Senator’s number and contact details. it’s easy and accessible for all.

Hi, my name is ___and I live in ________.

I'm calling today to urge you to forgo the winter recess until you've pass the Freedom to Vote Act. I need you to protect the right to vote for EVERY eligible voter, and the filibuster's just getting in the way. We can't wait any longer for this bill. Please do anything necessary to pass the Freedom to Vote Act!

Thank you.


Request your ballots


ALERT for TEXAS voters! Please send in your Federal Postcard Application (FPCA) on January 2nd or 3rd to request your ballots for 2022!! Mark your calendars!! Texas has the earliest primaries in the country: March 1st, 2022. Which means your ballot will be sent to you by January 15th.


Other states: send in your FPCA on January 15th, so you can receive your ballots for the entire election year.