DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate

Gender (F)

My name is Sasha Arrington. I vote in California and live in the greater Stuttgart area. I was born and raised a military brat, giving me the opportunity to live in many different places. This opened my eyes to other cultures and perspectives. Some of the things I feel passionate about were passed on to me by my grandparents. They helped POC learn to read and write in the early 20th century, in order to pass “literacy tests“ at the polling stations. Today, 100 years later, Americans are still facing hurtles to vote. One of my goals as your DPCA Voting Representative and Stuttgart Chair is to continue the DAG effort in helping as many people as possible in the voting process. I enjoyed the phone calls, zoom chats and personal meetings with hundreds of people whom I was able to assist during the presidential election cycle and Senate runoffs. In addition to our GOTV effort, I am also passionate about racial justice and health care for all. As your representative I will fight for a better future for our children. The voices of Americans need to be heard! Due to COVID all DA meetings and activities have been held online, which has enabled me to work closely with colleagues not just from other chapters, but from other countries as well. Thus we have a rich pool of people, backgrounds, talents and experience to fall back on. I would be happy for your vote and look forward to what lies ahead!

Endorsement of Sasha Arrington by Teresa Ritterhoff