Dear DA Supporter,
Many thanks for those who were able to navigate through our tech issues and join the virtual Democrats Abroad AGM and listen to Ambassador Rosapepe's views on the upcoming election. My apologies again to those who tried to log in to the meeting on Zoom - for some reason many of you had no issues and other just couldn't get through.
With the gradual loosening of restrictions, I hope that our next meeting will be face to face. DA Romania is planning several events in the next weeks including a call with Senator Ed Markey, Women's DA forum virtual call with Jill Biden (Joe Biden's wife) and other fund raising dinners and/or events. More details to follow soon.
As I mentioned during the meeting, now is the time to reach out to any contact (family member, colleagues, friends) you may have to help register voters that have not done so yet in the run up to the Fall election. With 9 million Americans living abroad representing the 5th largest voting block in the US, we can make a difference. As you know, voter turnout will be key and DA's main goal remains GOTV (Get Out the Vote).
We remain confident that if we can maintain the momentum from the midterm elections, Joe Biden will become the next President of the United States and will bring competence and character back to the White House.
I look forward to speaking/meeting you in the near future,
Radu Florescu,
DA Romania