June 19, 2023

Report from the June 10-June 11 DA Global Meeting

DPCA voting members gathered in Washington, DC and online (including the 5 voting members from DA Japan) the weekend of June 10-11 for the annual DA global meeting. The primary purpose of this year’s meeting was to elect global leadership officers—Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Counsel—for the 2023-2025 term. Other items on the agenda included outgoing officer reports, approval of the Treasurer’s financial report, and a variety of resolutions to be voted on. New elected officers include Chair Martha McDevitt-Pugh (Netherlands), Vice-Chair Steve Nardi (Canada), Secretary Karen Frankenstein (Germany), Josh Van der Ploeg (UK), and Anne Brady (Ireland). Due to time constraints, debate and discussions on the proposed resolutions was postponed to a later date. More on the election results and the new leadership here.