February 01, 2024

President Biden's Accomplishments

By Allyn Dixon

Some can only say “Bring it On” while Joe Biden Keeps on Bringing It!

The taunt heard round the world from now former House Speaker McCarthy landed with a thud…and a vacant Speakership.

Meanwhile, President Biden has brought it, and keeps on bringing it. Here’s just a few accomplishments he’s brought about:

Brought dignity to and respect for the office of the Presidency, respect for other institutions that are pillars of democracy, and respect for our military and troops serving now, those before them, and those that gave the ultimate sacrifice

Brought American allies assurance that American is back and ready to lead the fight for democracy across the globe and lead on climate change, global economic issues, and human rights

Brought 750,000 new manufacturing jobs to our factories and greater respect for workers' rights

Brought about $1 trillion in funding for America’s crumbling infrastructure

Brought about the CHIPs Act to produce semiconductors in America

Brought childhood poverty down by 50% through the Covid Relief Act and Inflation Adjustment Act

Brought protection to LGBTQ and interracial marriages under attack from the courts

Brought reproductive rights protection to women after Roe v. Wade was struck down through executive action

Brought post pandemic inflation down from 10% to under 4%

Brought down the price of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices

Brought about the first gun safety legislation since 1994

Brought a record 12 million new jobs to America in his first two and a half years and a 50 year record low unemployment rate with more Americans working than ever

Brought the most diverse Cabinet in history to Washington including the first openly gay cabinet secretary, first native American woman, the most minorities and of course, our first female Vice President

Brought the first female black justice to the U.S. Supreme Court and record numbers of racial and ethnic minority justices across the federal district and appellate court system

Brought independence back to government agencies such as the FBI, IRS and Department of Justice

Brought home the troops from Afghanistan as well as political prisoners from hostile nations

Brought families separated at the border back together

Brought the stock market back to reach all-time highs, restoring 401ks and IRAs to all-time highs.

Let's work together to re-elect President Biden! Vote Blue in 2024!