On March 25 the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on "International Tax Policy and the Impact on American Workers, Jobs and Investment". Democrats Abroad provided written testimony to the Committee hearing to raise the issues Americans abroad face in complying with U.S. taxation and financial account reporting compliance. You can download the Democrats Abroad submission here. You will note that we have joined our colleague organizations advocating on behalf of the Americans abroad community in asking for hearings on U.S. Taxation and Americans abroad and a switch to Residency Based Taxation.
The link to the Hearing, which was conducted via Zoom, includes a video recording. It may not surprise you to hear that there was no discussion of the impact of U.S. International tax policy on Americans abroad.
Further down on the webpage is advice on how to submit a statement to be included in the public record. Submissions will be accepted until Thursday April 8.
We encourage you to share your views on U.S. international tax policy and would be grateful if you were to echo our call for a hearing focused on the experience of Americans abroad and U.S. taxation, and the implications of a switch to Residency Based Taxation. Some language for a statement to the Committee is provided here, but we strongly encourage you to tell your own story and provide your own personal statement in support of tax reform for Americans abroad.
Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force