Welcome to Democrats Abroad Seville!
DA Seville is a chapter of DA Spain, the official country committee for US Democrats living in Spain.
We are available to help you with:
We are here to help you register, request your ballot, and vote from overseas using votefromabroad.org. You can find FAQs with the answers to the questions we hear most as we help overseas voters.
We are building community in Seville with interesting events, both in-person and online, and with our active WhatsApp group. Start by stopping by our First Friday Coffee Morning or First Friday At Five, which alternate every month. Click here for event details.
To join our WhatsApp group send us an email with your phone number to [email protected].
Our main goal is to register Americans who live in Seville to vote, both residents and students who come for a short stay, and we always need volunteers. What interests you? What concerns you? Let us know! Click here to fill in this volunteer form so we can work together.
Questions? Please contact us at [email protected].
Helen Morgan, Chair
Democrats Abroad - Seville