Every month, Democrats Abroad France brings you news, events, and information in a concise format.
In this edition:
- Celebrating Labor Day
- Tax Webinar, and DA in the News
- 2023 Elections: NJ, VA, KY, LA, MS, PA, OH, and RI
- Funding the Fight
Celebrating Labor Day
Solidarity Forever! Democrats Abroad France stands in solidarity with workers organizing for their rights, as the wave of labor actions across America gets stronger every day.
Support for unions is growing. Hollywood actors’ and writers’ unions SAG-AFTRA and WGA have been on strike for months, and the United Auto Workers are likely to go on strike September 14th. The Teamsters scored a historic win for UPS drivers this summer, and Amazon and Starbucksworkers’ unions are gaining strength. We stand with them in their struggles for economic justice.
The recently elected Democratic trifectas in Minnesota and Michigan lost no time making their states more labor-friendly. California is seeing a new surge of labor activism, with recent wins for farm workers, fast food workers, and Uber drivers.
President Biden’s historic support for the working class continues! His administration has taken strong actions in favor of labor rights. The National Labor Relations Board just made its most important ruling in decades, effectively restoring workers’ rights to organize. It’s working on many other pro-labor decisions. The Department of Labor just expanded overtime pay to millions of workers.
On Labor Day, let’s celebrate these victories and reaffirm our commitment to solidarity and economic justice.
Tax Webinar, and DA in the News
On September 19th, DA France will host an online webinar on tax issues: "Expat Tax 101” with Isaac Barchichat, CPA, an expert in French and US taxes. If you are interested in asking questions about US and French tax filing requirements for US citizens living in France, please join us for this event. See here for more information.
And DA’s Taxation Task Force Chair, Rebecca Lammers, was recently interviewed in Forbes, where she discusses the “mandatory repatriation tax”: Americans abroad often become collateral damage when Congress passes legislation meant to curb tax evasion or ensure the wealthy pay their fair share—and the repatriation tax is no exception.
2023 Elections: NJ, VA, KY, LA, MS, PA, OH, and RI
Go to VoteFromAbroad.org to request your ballot NOW! You can make a real difference in your state elections this year, and the deadline to request your ballot is very soon. The Kentucky governor’s election will be extremely close, and every ballot will be needed. There will be elections in 2023 in NJ, VA, KY, LA, MS, PA, OH, and RI. There are important state legislative (NJ and VA), gubernatorial (KY, LA, MS), and state Supreme Court elections (PA) coming up. RI also has a special federal election for congressional district RI-1, and OH has a very important ballot measure protecting abortion rights. Races in Kentucky, New Jersey, and Virginia will be hard fought, and our voters can certainly be the winning margin. Go here for details for NJ voters.
DA France is a 100% volunteer organization financed by donations, and we rely on the generous contributions from our members to carry out our mission of getting out the vote among Americans living in France. We’re heading into an extremely important election season in 2024, and every vote will truly count. Only 6% of Americans in France voted in 2020! (According to the FVAP, p. 17). That’s not enough… we can and must do better. There’s a lot of potential here to swing elections back home. To reach more voters via outreach and advertising, we need your help. Also, DA France is part of the global organization, Democrats Abroad, whom we rely on for our website, phonebanking, and much more. Please consider donating, or becoming a sustaining (monthly) donor, to DA France and DA Global. Click here for your donation to go 50% to DA France and 50% to DA Global. Even a small sustaining donation is very helpful! Thank you very much for your generosity: We are very grateful for every gift.
Join Us In Person and Online!
Don't forget to check out our upcoming events HERE.
Each Monday on social media, we highlight other DA events that happen online and work for our timezone. Facebook :: Instagram :: Twitter
LAST THING! Democrats Abroad France is still looking for interns who'd like to help with various tasks. If you'd like to get involved, come join our dynamic group of volunteers! Read more here.
Democrats Abroad France is 100% volunteer-run, so please...
- ...donate to help us mobilize the vote from abroad.
- ...volunteer with us here (especially if you have video editing, social media, IT, or graphic design skills).
- ...follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and now Spoutible. Despite algorithms changing regularly, we know that sharing and commenting on our social media posts helps us reach more Americans abroad!
Democratically yours,
Your friends at DA France