Endorsement Announcement For City Attorney of San Francisco

As the fifth most densely-populated metro area in the United States, San Francisco heads the California Bay Area as a cultural, commercial, and financial beacon both nationally and abroad. The office of City Attorney is highly influential with responsibilities such as defending civil liberties and protecting consumers and tenants. In the current Trump era, when anti-American executive orders have threatened to withhold federal funding in the name of partisan politics, having a strong City Attorney who is unafraid of standing up against exploitation at the highest levels, is crucial.

After 18 years of service in this role, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera is up for re-election this November. He was elected as San Francisco’s first Latino City Attorney in 2001, and re-elected without opposition in 2005, 2009, 2013 and 2015. He has spent his time in office tirelessly working on behalf of the residents of San Francisco and leading the nation in bold lawsuits to protect the most underserved populations in our country. 

Mr. Herrera has written, filed, and won litigation against corporations as well as the highest office in the land. Time after time, Herrera demonstrates a commitment to preventing further environmental damage, improving gun safety, increasing access to affordable housing, protecting the rights of residents in sanctuary cities, improving labor conditions, and ensuring marriage equality.

Based on his tireless efforts on behalf of San Franciscans and the example he sets for City Attorneys nationwide, we, the Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee, are proud to endorse Colombian-American Dennis Herrera for re-election as the City Attorney of San Francisco. We urge all San Francisco voters living abroad to request their ballot and support Dennis Herrera in the November 5, 2019 General Election.