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Jenn Edwards-Aracil
Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus Vice-Chair
Votes in Michigan
Lives in Spain
Star (Starla) Goggins
Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus Secretary
Votes in Michigan
Lives in Canada
I came to Canada in 1967 from the state of Michigan and moved to Toronto. Around the 1990s, I visited the DA Toronto Pride Booth, received information on Democrats Abroad and signed up immediately.
Being very committed to get out the vote (GOTV) activities and bringing diversity representation to DA, Toronto, and the National Chapter, I served on the Toronto Chapter Executive, chaired a National Election Committee (NEC), served on the Democrats Abroad Affirmative Action Committee, Managed a Voting Centre for the 2016 Presidential Primary, organized volunteer teams, and hosted events.
Recently, I joined the Global Black Caucus Steering Committee and serve as Secretary. One of my key goals is to work towards building DA Black Caucus representation in Canada and Globally.
Our voice, and our votes count.
Laura L. Allen (she/her)
Secretary - Deputy
Votes in New York
Lives in Canada
Laura is a New York State voter who currently lives and works in Toronto, Ontario. Laura was born and raised in Niagara Falls, NY, but her education journey has allowed her to find home in several locations across the United States, including Atlanta, GA, East Lansing, MI, and Columbus, OH. Wherever she finds herself, Laura is committed to service in Communities of Color and is particularly interested in the safety and wellbeing of Black communities.
Laura is a committed teacher at heart and by profession. She currently works as a professor and teaches university courses in professional writing, advocacy, and digital media. She is passionate about social justice issues and helping to amplify the voices of those historically marginalized by race, class, and gender. She joined the Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus to pursue these passions and help encourage and empower Americans in Canada and abroad to vote and remain politically active and politically responsible to both our local and global communities.
Traci Möller
Global Black Caucus Press / Media Relations
Democrats Abroad Switzerland Secretary
Votes in New York
Lives in Switzerland
I was born and raised in Connecticut, the nutmeg state, but I’m from New York (Harlem’s historic and beautiful Striver’s Row) and proudly vote blue.
My roots are in New York City where I worked for Vibe magazine before pivoting into a successful career in beauty and luxury PR for brands like CoverGirl, (Schick) Wilkinson-Sword and Rémy Martin. My communications strategies and mandates often targeted Black Americans and the urban market. Representation matters. I moved to Switzerland in the wake of the 2009 recession for love and stayed for the opportunity to work and raise my son in a dynamic international environment.
Having been on the front lines of communications during the dot-com downturn and September 11; the Covid-19 pandemic, social justice, the fight for voting rights and January 6th feels eerily familiar.
Our country is at a crossroads and I am so proud to serve as the Global Black Caucus Press/ Media Relations Lead and deliver clear messaging that define the issues for Black Americans that impact our elections at home … from abroad.
And when I’m not copywriting or supporting Democrats Abroad Switzerland of which I am Executive Committee Secretary, I love sneakers and stilettos, eating great food even if I have to make it myself taking road trips in my electric car and fashion styling my very trendy 10-year old son.
The Global Black Caucus is on a mission, I hope you will join us!
Cedric Armand Sumo Tiepmo
Global Black Caucus Press / Media Relations – Deputy
DACH Member At Large
Votes in New York
Lives in Switzerland
I’m an American from Virginia who’s been living in Lausanne since 2014. I’ve been a proud member of Democrats Abroad Switzerland since 2016 and I’ve participated in many voter registration campaigns since then.
The reason I decided to become a member of the executive committee of DA is because my intention is to help register as many citizens to vote in their local, state and federal elections while living abroad. I plan on convincing them to vote democrat.
Moreover, having Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr and Elijah Cummings as some of my personal and professional inspirations, it only feels right for me to join the global black caucus in a leadership role.
I’ll do my part to increase awareness, bring justice and improve understanding of our plights as people of African descent.
Michele O'Brien
Legal Counsel
Votes in New York
Lives in France
Originally from the Boston area, I was raised by a diverse family united by their shared pursuit of justice and truths — and in putting oneself on the line for these things. Demanding fairness, listening to and identifying what is true and then speaking it: these things are sometimes hard to do, but experience has shown that without justice for everyone, none of us will experience true peace. No justice, no peace.
I have lived in France for 19 years and am a longtime member of Democrats Abroad. I am a lawyer with experience in anti-corruption, litigation/international arbitration, human rights and non-profit governance.
I strongly support the mission of the Global Black Caucus and am honored to serve the GBC in its work to advocate for laws, policies, and programs that improve the lives of Black Americans and educate all people on the humanity of Black people.
Andrew Morgan
Global Black Caucus Legal Counsel - Deputy
Votes in Mississippi
Lives in Germany
I am a native of Oxford, Mississippi, home of Ole Miss University where I was raised in a predominately black community by a single mother and a loving Grandmother. I am now living in Germany after honorably serving in the United States Army until I retired. I have a MA in Criminal Justice and I have a broad background in legal issues, I am an advocate for equality, social justice, and human rights.
I joined the Global Black Caucus arm of the Democrats Abroad because of their commitment to being strong advocates for ensuring that all people, particularly Black and brown communities, can exercise their right to vote.
I want to do my part to support the mission of the GBC and the DA to help educate, engage, and mobilize overseas voters because I believe our democracy is at stake. I believe that participating in the electoral process is one of the key freedoms of our democracy.
We are all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us, and wealth classified us.
Adrianne George
Global Black Caucus DNC - Black Caucus Representative
DA Sweden Black Caucus Lead
DNC Member
Votes in Washington D.C.
Lives in Sweden
I am super proud to be on my second term as a Democratic National Committee (DNC) Member for Democrats Abroad. I have the distinct honor of representing us as a member of the DNC Black Caucus.
I am equally proud to be a founding member of the Global Black Caucus. My position as a DNC Member allows me to share all the important work our Caucus is doing with other State parties, as well as secure DNC and Democratic Party surrogates as speakers and panelists for our events. I ensure we are included in the Black Caucus newsletter distributed to each Democratic Party State Chair, as well as collaborate on ways to reach overseas voters. I happily contribute event ideas and materials to our steering committee, lead the Black Caucus in Sweden, and support the Global Black Caucus Chair as necessary.
Adrienne Johnson
Global Black Caucus Advisory Liaison
DPCA Voting Rep. DAUK , DAUK Black Caucus Chair
DAUK - Social Media Team, DAUK - Film Committee
Votes in Washington D.C.
Lives in United Kingdom
As a native of the Washington D.C. area, now living in London, I am a product of and value having grown up in a community of Black Americans who excelled in spite of societal attitudes and systemic hindrances.
I have always been aware that the well-being of Black Americans is inextricably tied to ensuring a prosperous and thriving future for my community and for all Americans. We are still faced with the question of how to fulfill America's promise. Democrats Abroad can help turn the tide. I am pleased to continue as a Global Black Caucus Steering Committee member in order to drive our work forward through dialogue, education, and political advocacy. Training and building a pipeline for emerging leaders remains a priority for me. Effective community organizing requires commitment, grit, truth, context, and vision.
My Dems Abroad journey started with GOTV canvassing. That led to volunteering for other DAUK committees and event-specific projects such as our annual Independence Day Picnic and Global Presidential Primaries, serving on our Executive Committee, forming and chairing our Black Caucus, and serving as a DPCA Voting Representative. There are so many ways to contribute. The voices and contributions of Black Americans who live overseas are needed now more than ever. I look forward to amplifying our voices and collaborating with all who are aligned with our goal to create an equitable and representative society.
Antar Keith
Global Black Caucus Reparations
Reparations Task Force Chair
DPCA Voting Rep. Germany
Saxony Chapter Vice Chair
Votes in New York
Lives in Germany
Born to a working-class family in the Bronx, NY, I gained firsthand knowledge of American political disenfranchisement. This consciousness was molded by my father, William “Bill” Keith—poet, teacher, Civil-Rights activist, ally of Malcolm X, and Black Arts Movement avant-garde artist. He was also a two-time victim of predatory policing and mass incarceration. His story inspires a keen understanding that those in closest proximity to pain should be closest to power.
As GBC Reparations lead, my passion is advocacy for local, state, and federal reparations legislation. Central to this advocacy is the fight for H.R. 40, which would enact a commission to provide the social, political, and economic analysis of trauma inflicted on Black America—and how to repair said damage. Not isolated to slavery or Jim Crow, these traumas cycle into modern legal, educational, medical, socioeconomic, and political discrimination.
I believe that street-level activism must work hand-in-hand with solid educational and legislative action to undue racial damage. Working in a multi-racial coalition, our ultimate goal is to educate, agitate, and organize for transformative and restorative justice in America through the act of reparations. Come join the team!
Natalie Bachiri
Democrats Abroad Luxembourg Chair
Lives in Luxembourg
Votes in Washington State
Lives in Luxembourg
I was born in Minnesota and also lived in Las Vegas, Washington DC, and Seattle before moving to Luxembourg 7 years ago. I was a part of Democratic political initiatives since I was a teenager. In Las Vegas, I worked on a campaign for a Congressional Delegate and he was elected. While in Washington DC for many years I also worked with the Democratic Party and other groups for initiatives.
I work independently in Luxembourg as a therapist and freelance writer, editor, and public relations. I am also the Communications Director of the Luxembourg Peace Prize and World Peace Forum and it is amazing the people I have met from all over the world doing amazing Peace Initiatives. Some of the best and most amazing people I met and I am great friends with, are from Africa and do amazing things. I am so open to everyone from every country, nationality, and ethnicity. We all should be open to everyone in the world and all the people around us.
The worst part of America is that it has so many people that are prejudiced and racist and this is horrible what they do and how they treat people. Also, they have been taking away the voter’s rights based on ethnicity in many states and this is not in any way a democracy. This is one of many things that I want to help through Democrats Abroad in so many ways. Being a part of the Global Black Caucus is inspiring to me as it is such a great group of people doing so many amazing things to bring back diversity and fairness to everyone that deserves it so much. I am also going to be a part of the Reparations Task Force as this is something that really needs to be done to stop all the discrimination and racism that has filtered the US for so long. All of this needs to stop. We all need social justice and rights in this world.
My passion is to stop all this racism and discrimination and have every person recognized as who they are with kindness and openness. We all need to be open and kind and that is what will make the world a better place.
Malaika Kusumi
Global Black Caucus Communications
Votes in California
Lives in Germany
Hi, I am Malaika Kusumi, a proud mother of two wonderful daughters and three fantastic grandchildren. Because of them and all of the upcoming youth, I have taken a deep second breath to fight for freedom, equality, and justice. There is absolutely no sense in having legal systems and laws yet no real justice. It is time to take the blindfold off Ms. Justice so she can see and see clearly.
My work life has taken me from media buying, neo-classical ballet, and music video choreography to my present passion: Business English Coaching. It is here that I have made inroads into a highly diverse community of people of all ages, races, and business sectors. A perfect opportunity for dialogue so that people can understand the true meaning of Black Lives Matter.
I am here to serve to the best of my capacity and ability. What I don’t know, I will learn. What I do know I will use. I believe in getting it done; a UCLA alumna, a Delta Sigma Theta Sister, and my nephew Myles says Soul sister number one.
Looking forward to working in the GBC, the place to be.
Angela Davis said “I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change... I'm changing the things I cannot accept.” I'm ready to put in the work. Let's get it done.
Evelyn Riera
Global Black Caucus Engagement
Global Black Caucus Communication Deputy
Votes in Georgia
Lives in Germany
I live in Germany and vote in GA. A third-culture kid with Cuban-American and German roots, I moved from Costa Rica to Germany in 1980 to learn German, my mother's native language, and complete my studies in political economy, and management/vocational education.
I don't remember exactly when I discovered Democrats Abroad. Sometime after 2008, I decided to focus on using Facebook as a tool to meet and educate overseas voters, and help them vote. Since then, I have been asked to join the admin teams of different groups and pages on Facebook, as well as to be a part of the DA Global Black Caucus Communications Team.
My deepest desire: To contribute to saving the planet, saving democracy, the best form of government available, and transforming the world in ways that will make it safer, more equitable, and kinder.
Renee Rousseau
Votes in Oregon
Lives in Switzerland
I have been a member of Democrats Abroad since 2008. I was the first Chapter Chair of DACH Zürich/German Region from September 2011-March 2014 and again from April 2015-May 2017. I was also the Media/PR contact in the German Region from September 2008-May 2017.
I learned about the power of political engagement from my mom, who was a community organizer in my hometown of Portland Oregon. I grew up with the children of my local and State political leadership which afforded me an inside look at how they move when they think no one is looking. During my high school years I became heavily involved in local politics, activist groups such as the NAACP Youth Committee and the Urban League. I was also co-president for the Student Advisory Committee for my high school. Some of our duties included reaching out to my at risk fellow students and finding ways to improve the quality of life in struggling and economically disadvantaged people and areas of my city.
I received a full scholarship to study Musical Theater at United States University in San Diego California (USIU). It was there that I met then Senator Joe Biden during his initial run for president.
After completing my studies I moved to Switzerland in 1989 and have since raised two amazing sons. I am fluent in high and Swiss German.
While here in Switzerland I have worked as a lead/background singer, songwriter and vocal coach for such top acts like Prince, Phil Collins, Ace Of Base, RedOne, Marc Sway, Emel, Celine Dion and Jonathan Butler to name a few. I have also performed numerous times at Jazz Festival Montreux.
In 2004 my interest in politics were reawakened by a then unknown senatorial candidate from Illinois, Barack Obama. After hearing his speech at the DNC convention I told my father that he would be the first African American president ! When he announced his candidacy for president, I contacted his campaign headquarters to ask how could I be a part of his historic run. I went on to found Switzerland For Obama with a fellow dual citizen expat René Malle. At one point we had over 2000 members. I will always cherish the blood, sweat, tears, money and time I invested. It was worth it all and then some.
After the stunning and extremely disappointing outcome of the 2016 election, I went dark and lost all hope and felt as if everything I had been doing for the past decade was all for Nougat. Due to conflicting interests with the leadership of DACH, I resigned from my position as chair and became a U.S. political analyst for numerous Swiss media outlets, a function which I continue to perform to this day.
After the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, I felt the urge once again to become active in the political process. Leedonal (Jazz) Moore, whom I had met at various social and political events over the years reached out to ask if I would be interested in working with the GBC. I enthusiastically answered with a resounding YES! I am once again looking forward to working towards the change I want to see at home and abroad.
Beverle Lax
Votes in California
Lives in Kenya
I serve as Counsel for DA Kenya, and this year, 2022, we are celebrating our first anniversary as a country committee. Besides having helped draft the Bylaws, as once a member of the Nominations and Elections Committee, and ensuring the Bylaws are followed by the country committee, I have contributed to editing our newsletters. This year I had the honor to serve on the Resolutions Committee and the Charter Committee for DA.
My history with Kenya spans almost 4 decades, while I vote in Silicon Valley in California. I presently help teach a computer and digital literacy course online with a non-profit whose mission is to bridge the divide between disenfranchised community members and access to the tech world and tech companies that migrated to their neighborhoods.
Formerly a student of Swahili and a researcher of the Giryama language on the coast of Kenya, for over 20 years I taught linguistics, writing, and Swahili as a lecturer and assistant professor of linguistics. I left teaching to pursue writing. Besides writing personal stories and poems, I have added screenwriting as my new fun thing. I love to bake and learn new skills in culinary arts. Crocheting baby blankets is another meditative creative outlet for me. Many recipients of baby blankets still covet them as grown people, many of whom have their own children! Walking, swimming, and TaiChi are my favorite forms of movement. And I love music from the 60s.
Despite my non-legal background, justice takes center stage in my life. As a consumer of the fruits of the civil rights era, as most of us do, I see how hard-fought rights gained can be tenuous if rational, fair-minded, and forward-thinking people fail to occupy political seats in our government. Hence, voting is the most effective way for people to ensure their interests and rights are being addressed and protected.
Right now, under the sway of those not operating on democratic principles based on reason, the rights of Black Americans and all people of color are especially in danger. I joined DA to help propagate democratic principles which inform justice everywhere. I joined the Global Black Caucus to especially take responsibility to reach out to Black Americans to ensure they take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the most important and beneficial process available to us from abroad. Also, I would like to contribute to the Global Black Caucus’s efforts to help DA members better understand the issues and concerns affecting Black Americans and to get everyone onboard for supporting our concerns and our rights.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
Twanna A. Hines, M.S., (she/her/femme)
Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus Health Equity
Votes in Washington D.C.
Lives in Portugal
Raised in the cornfields of Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, she penned her first op-ed at age 17. Written for her hometown newspaper, The Daily Pantagraph, it was a letter to the editor about why sports are good for girls.
She was the first nationally syndicated print newspaper African American woman sex columnist. Her column for Metro international newspapers’ U.S. editions reached 1.7 million people.
Twanna has been called a gifted storyteller by The Washington Post. She speaks at colleges, conferences, nonprofits, and other events, including 92Y Tribeca, South by Southwest (SXSW), MoCADA, Museum of Sex, and Create Good. Harvard University, Wellesley College, Northwestern University, and others have brought her to their students to talk about respect and communication.
Throughout her career, Twanna has worked directly for organizations promoting social good. In the private sector, she directed AndACTION, a project that taught nonprofits how to leverage important storylines in film and television to spark social change for various causes. For Fortune 500 company Land O’Lakes, she led digital efforts to reduce global hunger by integrating food security messages into radio programs reaching women in Africa.