GPP Remote Voting Options

Remote Voting in the Democrats Abroad Global Primary

Here are three ways Democrats Abroad members can vote remotely in the 2024 Global Presidential Primary.

Vote through email

Request your Global Primary ballot through and receive your ballot by email with voting instructions. No printer needed!

Bonus - by requesting your ballot through, you'll both register for the Democrats Abroad primary and for all elections in your state this year. One and done! 

Already registered for your state ballot? Request your Global Presidential Primary ballot through this form.

Global Primary ballot requests close on March 12th, at 9:00pm Pacific Time. Online ballots must be sent no later than March 12th, at 11:59pm Pacific Time to be counted. 

Vote by fax

Download a remote ballot, print, vote, and fax it to +1 (202) 897-3110.

Faxed ballots must be transmitted no later than March 12th, at 11:59pm Pacific Time to be counted.

Vote by postal mail

Download a remote ballot, print, vote, and send it to the postal mail address that your country committee provides. If you don't live in a country with a country committee, please email [email protected] for the correct address based on your region. 

Postal mailed ballots must be post marked no later than March 12th, and received no later than March 17th to be counted.

Important Reminder: Global Presidential Primary voters may not have voted, or plan to vote, in any other 2024 state presidential primary.