Every Vote Counts With ID-OR-PA-NE Primaries Complete

Hola miembros y amigos

Like those flat-earthers of years ago who suddenly realized that the world is in fact round, Republicans are starting to realize that their “safe” districts are not at all “safe Republican seats.” As the dust settles from the mid-term primaries now completed in Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Nebraska, Democrats with bold agendas have emerged as strong contenders for challenging establishment, do-nothing officials.

And with that, Democrats Abroad’s Hispanic Caucus fully endorses the following candidates running for office (with their names in bold font).



ID Governor
Paulette Jordan ← Could be the nation’s first Native American governor!  (challenger to open seat)

ID Attorney General
Bruce Bistine  (challenger to GOP incumbent Lawrence Wasden)

ID Secretary of State
Jill Humble  (challenger to GOP incumbent Lawerence “Member of the Flip-Flop Club” Denney)

U.S. House of Representatives
ID-1: Cristina McNeil ← A clear champion for Hispanic/Latino issues  (challenger to open seat)
ID-2: Aaron Swisher  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Mike “I Stand With America’s Workers and Organized Labor 17% Of The Time” Simpson)



OR Governor
Kate Brown  (incumbent)

U.S. House of Representatives
OR-1: Susan Bonamici  (incumbent)
OR-2: Jamie McLeod-Skinner  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Greg “Anti-Women’s Choice” Walden) This would be a major Democratic victory
OR-3: Earl Blumenaur  (incumbent)
OR-4: Pete DeFazio  (incumbent)
OR-5: Kurt Shrader  (incumbent)



PA Governor
Tom Wolf  (incumbent)

U.S. Senate
Bob Casey Jr.  (incumbent)

U.S. House of Representatives
PA-1: Scott Wallace  (challenger to GOP incumbent Rep. Brian “I’m an expert at dodging needed gun control” Fitzpatrick)
PA-2: Brendan Boyle  (incumbent)
PA -3: Dwight Evans  (incumbent)
PA -4: Madeleine Dean  (challenger to open seat)
PA -5: Mary Scanlon  (challenger to open seat)
PA -6: Chrissy Houlahan  (challenger to open seat)
PA -7: Susan Wild  (challenger to open seat)
PA -8: Matt Cartwright  (incumbent)
PA -9: Denny Wolff  (challenger to open seat)
PA-10: George Scott  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Scott “I told my constituents I’m against the GOP health care bill… but I voted for it anyway” Perry)
PA-11: Jess King  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Lloyd “I voted in line with Trump’s position 96% of the time” Smucker)
PA-12: Marc Friedenberg  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Tom “I was a Trump nominee for Drug Czar until my dirty little secret got out that I received campaign funds from the drug industry” Marino)
PA-13: Brent Ottaway  (challenger to open seat)
PA-14: Bibiana Boerio  (challenger to open seat)
PA-15: Susan Boser  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Glenn “Screw The Environment” Thompson)
PA-16: Ron DiNicola  (challenger to incumbent GOP Rep. Mike “I was schooled by Congresswoman Maxine Waters” Kelly)
PA-17: Conor Lamb  (incumbent)
PA-18: Mike Doyle  (incumbent)



NE Governor
Bob Krist  (challenger to incumbent GOP Gov. Pete “Salivating over the NRA to come to my state!” Ricketts)

NE Attorney General
Evangelos Argyrakis  (challenger to incumbent GOP Att. Gen. Doug Peterson)

NE Secretary of State
Spencer Danner  (challenger to open seat)

U.S. Senate
Jane Raybould  (challenger to incumbent GOP Sen. Deb “I have an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association” Fischer) This would be a major Democratic victory

U.S. House of Representatives
NE-1: Jessica McClure  (challenger to GOP incumbent Rep. Jeff “Pro-ObamaCare Repeal and Replace [With Nothing!] Fortenberry)
NE-2: Kara Eastman  (challenger to GOP incumbent Rep. Don “Party Above Country” Bacon)
NE-3: Paul Theobald  (challenger to GOP incumbent Rep. Adrian “I voted to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission” Smith)


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance with the voting process. There are plenty of knowledgeable people within Democrats Abroad who are willing and able to help our members with any ballot issues. Voting is not required by U.S. law, but it is a patriotic responsibility we can and must fulfill. Onward..!

-Michael Ramos
DA Hispanic Caucus