Hit the Ground Running

Hit the Ground Running

By, Malaika Kusumi

Following the new leadership direction for caucuses from chair to team, the DAG Women’s Caucus hit the ground running with the formation of their 2022 team: Beverly Seebach (Wiesbaden/Mainz), Emily Charles  (Wiesbaden/Mainz), Uli Gersiek (Berlin), Malaika Kusumi (Frankfurt).

The DA “Together We Can Defend Democracy” postcard initiative set the theme for the meeting and Know what to do in 2022 was at the heart of the discussion, which included the review of the DAG Women’s Mission, Goals, and Pillars of Work (ACE: Activism, Community, and Education).

As part of the Caucuses with a Cause initiative, the DAG Women’s Caucus will select quarterly and act upon a cause/platform that impacts each Caucus across the board (e.g., health care, voter suppression, racism, climate) – to create awareness, activism, education, and engagement. 

The  Q1 2022 proposed common cause focuses on three major issues of health care: 1) environmental impact on health, 2) prejudice within the healthcare system, 3) cultural and language barriers that impact proper healthcare.

The next meeting is scheduled for (Thu) February 10, 19:00-21:00 for those interested in joining. 

Anyone interested in joining the leadership team or volunteering please send an email to: [email protected]