Time to make a plan! Do not delay!
Hundreds of U.S. Citizens in San Miguel should be receiving their ballots for the general election in their email in-boxes. If you haven’t yet requested your ballot, please go to https://www.votefromabroad.org to do so.
Every Sunday, Democrats Abroad volunteers are available for personalized help on Zoom. CLICK HERE for more information.
VERIFY! VERIFY! VERIFY! Contact your local election official today to be sure they have processed your FPCA form and are planning to email you your ballot. Look up the contact info. at this website: https://www.votefromabroad.org/states
Voters need to have a plan this year to return their ballots.
When you receive your ballot by email, you will need to download it, print it, vote it and follow the instructions carefully to return it. For all states, you will need to have a plan to print your ballot. If you do not have a printer, reach out to your friends and/or neighbors to see if they can print your ballot for you or use a nearby papelaria where they can print it for you from your device or a flash drive.
States that require ballots to be mailed - most urgent:
As of Aug. 29th, these states require ballots to be returned by postal mail:AR, CT, GA, ID, IL*, KY, MD, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, and WI.
It is now time to send your ballot back by private courier! DA Mexico has a special 30% coupon to use with DHL. Please email [email protected] to get your coupon certificate.
* Please check your instructions and local election official to see if you can return by fax or electronically!
States that allow electronic submission of ballots:
All voters that can return their ballot electronically should do so. These states have electronic options: AL, AZ, CO, DE, DC, HI, IA, IN, KS, ME, MA, MO, MS, MT, NE (requires permission from local election official), NV, NJ (also send by mail), NM, NC, ND, OR (with special forms) RI, SC, UT, WA, WV, and WY.Please reach out to [email protected] for support and further explanation.
States that allow faxing of ballots:
The above states and the following allow ballot return by fax: AK (if requested ballot to be emailed), CA, FL, LA, NM, and OK. We have partnered with Smart Space Hub, Salida a Celaya #34. All faxing and scanning of your ballot will be underwritten by SmartSpace. If this is an option for your state, you are strongly advised to utilize it. There is also a website, https://faxzero.com where you can fax these documents for free, or for a small fee on larger ballots.
Our headquarters at Ancha de San Antonio #19 is now only open by appointment for ballot assistance. We will be available on October 14th & 15th by appointment. Please email [email protected]. We have a printer available, and Federal Post Card Application forms for states that require they be mailed. All safety protocols are followed.
Voters should act with the utmost urgency when they receive their ballots. Do not delay. If you do not receive your ballot contact your local election official and be prepared to utilize the Federal Emergency Write-in Ballot, contact [email protected] for assistance. Be alert to news features from our local sites, Civil List, SMA FAQ, Discover SMA and Facebook for other options.
Please, please reach out to us if you need any assistance! We are here to help you!