August 26, 2020

Please donate to Dems Abroad Israel! We cannot do this without your help!

The 2020 election is a critical moment in American history, as the fate of democracy hangs in the balance. Democrats Abroad-Israel stands on the front-lines protecting Democracy in America and around the world.

But we need your help!


In order for us to do our part in the 2020 elections, we need to take actions that require funding. Placing advertising, hosting events, and using social media are vital tasks that cost money. Please help us reach our financial goals so that we can continue to do the work of bringing about a crucial Blue Wave in November 2020! 

Our mission is critical. We must elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November and bring America back to its core values of compassion and care. We are in a fight for the soul for the country.

Your donations are vital. We cannot do this alone. We rely entirely on donations to do our work. This includes social media, outreach, getting out the vote. Democrats Abroad Israel is a 100% volunteer organization and Israeli registered NGO. We are entirely reliant on our members to sustain us.

Please consider becoming a sponsor. A donation of 100 NIS makes you a Dems Abroad Sponsor and keeps us strong.

Every shekel counts. Whether you contribute 1000 NIS, 100 NIS, or even 10 NIS, every donation counts.

To donate, in Israel please wire your donation to our Democrats Abroad Israel account:
Democrats Abroad

Bank Hapoalim (12) Branch 780- Account 387491

Or via Bit to Democrats Abroad Israel +972544510754

 For more information, or to volunteer, contact Dems Abroad-Israel Chair Heather Stone at [email protected]