August 17, 2021

Save the Date! - Saturday, 18th September

Geneva Reception for Democratic
U.S. Reps Adam Schiff and Sean Maloney

A friend of DA in Geneva will host Democratic U.S. House Representatives Adam Schiff (CA) and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY) at a gala evening event. This will be an apéro with a chance to hear and meet the two congress members, to be followed by a private dinner for special guests. This is a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Democrats Abroad is not a sponsor but is happy to publicize such events of special interest to our members. Special donation rates will be made available to Democrats Abroad members.

We will provide the official invitation as it becomes available, showing venue, ticket prices, and ordering details. Watch for updates at our events page, our social media channels, and your inbox.

ETA: The event post is live; read it here!