Liz OLeary

Chair, DA South Africa

"Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public" - Dr Cornel West
  • What a Week! Our Country... - Feb 2025 DASA News

    This will likely be one of the most difficult periods of US history in our lifetimes. We knew it would be bad, but this onslaught seems worse than expected, right from the outset. We’re experiencing a serious threat to the country we as know it, rolling back decades of progress. The implications for South Africa and the world are dire. 

    I think it's safe to say that we’re all feeling high levels of anxiety and concern for our country, as people’s dignity, rights, freedoms, identities, livelihoods and lives are threatened. There are too many specific issues to mention but our humanity and democratic norms are under attack. Let’s all open our hearts, minds and eyes - and stand up. Standing together - seeing and leveraging the range of our interests, identities, experiences and political perspectives as our collective strength - is the way we get through this. Raising awareness of the Trump administration's actions is critical but it must be coupled with action. There are wide-ranging opinions on how we fight this – it’s clear that Trump and his cronies are willing to test Congress, the law, the Constitution, and the American people. It will require a multi-pronged legal, political, legislative and social response. 

    As Dr. King said, “Voting is the foundation stone for political action." Our core work as Democrats Abroad is to help US Citizens living outside the country to vote. The one weapon we each have in this battle for our country is our ballot. There are elections this year in several states and we also need to work now to be ready to mobilise voters for the 2026 midterms to increase our power in Congress and across the country. Request your 2025 ballots now at and ask every American you know if they are registered. If they’re in SA or elsewhere abroad, lead them to Vote From Abroad and invite them to join us at

    No, this will not be enough! We’ve been discussing ideas for additional tools to share resources between us and specifically focusing on action / solution-based resources and opportunities. Please email [email protected] if you have ideas or would like to be involved in crowdsourcing these resources! We’re having discussions with members and will keep engaging. 

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  • The DASA Executive Committee Positions and Job Descriptions (2025-2027 Term)

    The Democrats Abroad South Africa (DASA) Executive Committee (Exco) is comprised of the positions outlined below. Candidates will be elected for 2-year terms as outlined in the DASA Bylaws. Democrats Abroad is a volunteer-led organization and seeks interest from US Citizens living in South Africa who are committed to developing the organization’s capacity, reach and impact.

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  • Nov Alert - Post Election Note, Meet-Up and Ballot Curing

    It feels that there are few polite words to describe the moment and the reality we face so I'll keep this brief. Our Global Chair, Martha McDevitt-Pugh has written to all members and I will write more soon but I wanted to acknowledge this moment, particularly for those of you who are not in our WhatsApp group, and needed to get urgent info out on Ballot Curing as well as a Joburg meet-up.

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  • Fun Kamala Tshirts & Making The Week Ahead Count! - Nov 2024 DASA News

    We Have Voted!!  You've all voted too, right?  Wow, what a time we are living in! So much is at stake in this election and so much responsibility for our country's ...

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  • What do the American people want?

    Kamala Harris has stated that ‘the bottom line is that we know what Donald Trump wants: he wants unchecked power. The question is: what do the American people want?’ The Harris-Walz ticket is the best option that cares enough about America to lead the country forward.

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  • A Tale of Two Texas’ – A land where the past is prologue

    By Susan Cashin Note: This story contains some graphic descriptions. Reproductive Healthcare is one of the most important issues at stake in the U.S. Elections. Voting has started overseas and ...
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  • Vote Now, If You Haven't Already - DASA News October 2024

    Vote Now, If You Haven't Already!   It's Here!  This election season is moving quickly. I've voted, have you?  First of all, a very warm welcome to our new members!  Numbers are ...

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  • If Biden Can Step Aside, Then Those Of Us Abroad Can Certainly Step Up!

    Most of us, at one point or another in our lives, have had to make tough decisions. Leadership is defined by embracing that the needs of the many, far outweigh the needs of the few. President Biden’s decision to step aside earlier this year demonstrated true leadership in making what, by far, had to be one of the hardest decisions of his life. However, the road ahead for the country is still as tough as it was before. 

    It’s estimated that there are 6.5 million U.S. citizens living abroad who can vote but less than 14% actually do. Active participation by all citizens, domestic and abroad, is more important than ever in the upcoming election. 

    It is easy to forget about voting when you’re outside of the United States. DON’T! One person (one vote) can make a difference; even from abroad.

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  • November is Now in South Africa!

    Thank you for joining, volunteering, reaching out to others, donating and for Getting Ready to Vote

    We are happy to welcome so many New Members to Democrats Abroad South Africa (DASA)! The past six weeks have been an incredible moment in our country's history and a time to celebrate democracy! Let's celebrate it by VOTING! 

    Thank you to all of our volunteers - old and new! Quite of few of our most active volunteers since 2020 have left the country and DASA is still building up as a reconstituted Country Committee so all help is welcome! 

    There's a lot of info in this newsletter so I'll keep this welcome short. You can read past newsletters HERE and keep an eye on upcoming DASA events HERE. We already have eight events coming up this month (see below) - in Joburg, Cape Town and Online. Thanks to all of the members who are helping to host these! The energy is pumping, even more so since the Convention! 

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  • Ricardo Gressel - A Joyful Warrior from VP Kamala Harris' School Days

    He is often the voice and the face of Democrats Abroad South Africa, the person called upon when radio and TV are looking for a DASA statement on events. And now his schedule, always packed, is likely to increase exponentially because of an accident of upbringing and friendship: he grew up in the same town as Kamala Harris and his long-time girlfriend was Kamala’s best friend.

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  • DASA August 2024 Events Update

    Today Kamala Harris announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. The campaign continues to grow from strength to strength and the momentum builds! 

    Our August newsletter went out early to coincide with the Democrats Abroad delegates' endorsement of Vice President Harris to be the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States. In case you missed that newsletter - including info on How to Vote from South Africa - you can read it HERE

    This is a quick August Events Update:

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  • SA Election Day US Voter Outreach - DASA News June 2024

    It's Election Day in South Africa! 

    Today couldn't be a more fitting day to reflect on the importance of democracy and how important our right to vote is - both in SA and the US. Many of us have taken it for granted in the US but voter suppression and the struggle for voting rights continues - and will only improve with Democratic leadership! 

    You should have received our Africa Day email sent in collaboration with the Democrats Abroad Africa Committee and and we hope you acted on the nudge to both request your ballot and help us find other US Citizens across the continent. Please use every opportunity to serve as everyday voting ambassadors! 

    Request Your Ballot & Reach Out Today 

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  • Voter apathy is a threat to any democracy

    No matter how disinterested, overwhelmed by choice or disgusted by the candidates people may feel, citizens in democratic societies should remember their obligation to vote. This exercise allows for governments, political parties and candidates to better understand the will of the people. From local, municipal, provincial and national levels, those serving must be guided by their constituents. If they are not happy with the government’s performance, their collective voice is heard through the ballot box.

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  • 1864 or 2024? We Decide!

    1864. Need I say more? A law reinstated in Arizona from a time when women were treated like children, decisions controlling everything in their lives were made for them not by them. Do we honestly want America moving backwards?

    While listening to a podcast about Arizona’s recent state supreme court abortion ruling, I found myself shouting in the car and quite upset. Then I remembered Obama’s favorite speech line: don’t boo - VOTE! And that reminds me why I am committed to Democrats Abroad. Our voices matter. And it is especially important in this election.

    I can feel uninspired by politics at times– frankly frustrated too. But as Americans we are part of a democracy. If we are truly unhappy about an issue, we can do something about it. So think about the changes you want to see in our country, consider how your voice can make that change happen. Stay connected to Democrats Abroad’s wide range of activities that inform, educate, and motivate U.S. voters living abroad. 

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  • Western Cape April/May Meet-ups and Engagement

    Let's build community and get ready to vote in the Western Cape!  I'll be coming to the Western Cape next week and would love to meet you! We've organised two ...

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